Hungarian inflation is still sky-high, but what is behind it?
Here is the Ice Cream of the Year in Hungary!
In 2023, the Hungarian Confectionery Industry Association (Magyar Cukrász Ipartestület) has organised the 25-year-old and very popular Ice Cream of...
Good news: Sharp food price decreases in Hungary
This is how much food and beverage cost on Hungarian trains in 2023
No more disinflation in Hungary? Here is how much prices rose again
French Institute Budapest to host Eiffel workshop and street party in July
AI developed and tasted its own energy drink
The world's first energy drink entirely powered by AI has been developed by HELL ENERGY. Design, recipe, tasting and meticulous...
PHOTOS: These beloved restaurants in Budapest are closing too
PHOTOS: Iconic Hungarian restaurant to close in London
Top 5+1 must-visit restaurants at Lake Balaton
Hungarian EcoMin: New food price discount scheme effective
Penis-shaped waffles have conquered Budapest!
Good news on food home delivery in Budapest!
Penny's home delivery service, in which Roksh continues to be a partner, is now operating within the entire administrative territory...