Hungarian government


Trump ‘guarantee of peace, good Hungary-US relations’, says Hungarian foreign minister in NY

It was up to the American people to decide on the next US president, but if Trump wins...

The shocking reason behind companies choosing guest workers over Hungarian labour

In recent years, Hungary has experienced a surge in the arrival of foreign guest workers, primarily from Asia, which caused widespread moral unease. Why are companies choosing guest workers over Hungarian labour? #Work #Foreign #Labour #Government

MKIK head: foreign guest workers should be employed in a regulated way to strengthen the economy

According to MKIK head, more jobs can be created by employing foreign guest workers. But as unemployment is very low in Hungary, more guest workers will be needed:

Orbán: there must always be an entity between Hungary and Russia 🔄

Viktor Orbán's speech on the Hungarian economic strategy, West and East, Russia, Trump, EP elections and the Visegrád Group

Hungary’s economy minister admits inability to keep deficit below target by 2024 🔄

It seems that the deficit below 3 percent was just a dream, the Hungarian government cannot keep it low

Hungarian minister addresses Hungarian-Egyptian rectors conference in Cairo

The mission of higher education is to help people understand each other better, the minister for culture and innovation said in Cairo on Sunday. #Egypt #Cairo #government #cultureminister

Hungarian foreign minister: time is on Russia’s side

"Every effort must be made to avoid a conflict between NATO and Russia," the foreign minister told public radio on Sunday. #foreignminister #government #PéterSzijjártó #Szijjártó

Bilateral talks with Moldova, Panama, Uzbekistan, Mali in Türkiye

Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó had bilateral talks with representatives of several countries on the sidelines of the Antalya Diplomatic Forum #diplomacy #foreignminister #government #Szijjártó

Hungarian foreign minister: war in Ukraine “not our war”

Hungary will not sacrifice its energy security for a conflict "that is not our war", the foreign minister told the Antalya Diplomacy Forum on Saturday. #war #Ukraine #diplomacy #energy #forum #Antalya

Shocking: Hungary lost hundreds of EUR millions on the Russian gas business

Instead of buying the cheapest gas on the global market, the opposite is true. #Russia #ViktorOrbán #Putin #gas #energy #money #crisis

Hungarian minister confident about Hungarian growth in 2024

Tax policy would underpin growth, the Hungarian finance minister said. #government #economy

Hungarian government wants to improve European competitiveness

It is crucially important to improve Europe's competitiveness, the state secretary for innovation and higher education said on Friday #competitiveness #highereducation #education #government

Non-EU citizens can apply for Hungarian Card, 65 thousand guest workers may come

Non-EU guest workers will flood Hungary in 2024, and the country awaits qualified professionals, as well. #EuropeanUnion #labourshortage #labourmarket #work #job #guestworker

New, cheaper transport fee system introduced in Hungary today!

March 1 will be the start of a new era in Hungary's transport system, with the introduction of new transport fees. #transport #publictransport #useful #travel #tourism #government

Hungarian government bond failed as an investment

The government aimed to attract additional funds into government bonds. However, the majority of Hungarians opted for alternative tax-free investment avenues. What do the statistics say about Hungarian savings? #Savings #Government #Bonds

Hungarian Govt: Online ads abroad aim to highlight dangers of migration

"Everyone in Europe needs to know this." #migration #Hungariangovernment

Budapest Mayor: Public transport deal with govt beneficial for Budapest

Gergely Karácsony noted that the agreement will introduce a more passenger-friendly pass system from March 1. #Budapest #publictransport #transport

Hungarian national bank governor attacks Hungarian government in unprecedented way – UPDATED

"Government decisions are a covert, veiled attack on the independence of the central bank," György Matolcsy said. #Fidesz #NBH #Hungariangovernment #Hungarianeconomy

Hungary, Italy agrees in this crucial matter concerning the war in Ukraine

The joint stance is about sending troops to Ukraine #Ukraine #war #Italy #government #migration #energy

Orbán’s Fidesz will not accept Brussels’ rules on political ads

An MEP of ruling Fidesz has rejected new EU regulations on political ads, saying that they would give Brussels censorship opportunities #EU #EuropeanUnion #censorship #brussels