Descending resources in Hungarian education
The money spent on one student from elementary school to higher education per year is barely higher than the half of the OECD-average.
According to, the 5564 dollars (5118 Euros, 1,6 million Forints) is not only little compared to the average, but out of the OECD member countries only 8 spends less on their students’ education – writes the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in its report.
The amount of the state’s sources spent on education has been reducing for some time. The study mentions that between 2005 and 2012 the number began to take a smaller part out of the total state expenses. The rate was 7,5% in 2012 which is the second lowest out of the OECD countries. It is also emphasized that during the first governance, between 2008 and 2010 the money spent on education dropped by 11% in real terms, while in the next two years, the Fidesz-government cut it by 13%.
Statists also analysed the data concerning the salary of pedagogues. According to the results, the rate of their salary is much lower than professionals working in different fields of the labour market with a similar qualification. Secondary school teachers are highlighted: pedagogues don’t even earn the 48% of what their coevals earn with similar qualifications. They also added that salaries are rising between 2013 and 2017.
Statistics show that less than 30% of elementary and secondary school teachers are under the age of 40, which makes it important to make this profession attractive for young adults.
The report also writes that higher-level qualified adults earn more than twice as much as adults with secondary degree. At the same time, data shows that the rate of people with diploma is low in Hungary and according to today’s tendency, only 22% of the Hungarians will get a bachelor degree and 0,7% a PhD degree. This makes Hungary part of the last section on OECD’s list.
Although, a diploma doesn’t only mean higher salary, it also makes getting a job easier: in the age group of 24-60 years, there is a 37 percentage point difference in employment rate between adults with a diploma and adults with secondary qualification or less.
Researchers also found that there is a significant difference in Hungary between women’s and men’s salary with the same qualifications. In OECD-countries women generally earn the 73% of what men do, this rate is 64% in Hungary which is the 4th lowest after Israel, Brazil and Chile.
According to the results of the 2012 PISA-survey, 97% of headmasters reported that the informatics facilities don’t set back the education. However, students performed worse on digital reading tests than printed ones.
Translated by Alexandra Béni
Copy editor: bm