

Government-close pollster says Péter Magyar is losing popular support

The governing parties have a comfortable lead, while more and more potential voters have been put off by Peter Magyar's opposition Tisza Party over the past month, according to a Századvég December poll. Below you may read the details: #szazadveg #opinionpoll #pollster #hungariangovernment #viktororban #petermagyar

Fidesz has maintained its lead – Real-PR 93’s latest poll

According to the latest Real-PR 93 poll, it is not true that Tisza is ahead of Fidesz, details HERE:

Survey: Fidesz retains lead in polls

Which poll can you believe? Here they report a strong Fidesz majority:

Opposition Tisza extremely popular among voters below 40 – Fidesz launches attack

Recent polls found that the majority of the Hungarian voters below 40 would choose Péter Magyar's Tisza Party, while the majority of the voters above 65 would support Fidesz on an election. Fidesz launched an attack against Tisza. #tiszaparty #petermagyar #poll #fidesz

Surprising: Péter Magyar’s Tisza party ahead of PM Orbán in latest polls but won’t field candidates on next election

Based on the latest poll shared by Medián, the opposition Tisza Party is ahead of PM Orbán's Fidesz, but they won's field candidates on the next elections. #2026elections #tiszaparty #petermagyar #viktororban

PM Orbán can be happy: his ally, Trump, leads in swing states based on latest poll

Will Trump win? And if he reconquers the White House, will that result in a pleasant Hungary-USA relationship? Will there be Transatlantic flights between the USA (Canada) and Hungary? #trump #kamalaharris #usa #presidentialelections

Even the Fidesz-close pollster measured significant strengthening for Tisza Party

Can Péter Magyar and his Tisza Party defeat PM Orbán in 2026? #petermagyar #tiszaparty #poll

NézÅ‘pont: Europeans shared surprising opinion about the EU’s crisis management

Are you satisfied with the EU's crisis management concerning illegal migration, war in Ukraine? #war #migration #eu #europeanunion

Surprising: this is what Hungarians think about Hungary leaving the EU

Would Hungarians vote for a Huxit? #huxit #eu

Too many Hungarians think that Orbán will lead Hungary out of the EU

Bad news came concerning a possible Huxit #huxit #ViktorOrbán #government #EuropeanUnion

New survey: Hungarians do not support Ukraine’s EU financing

Two-thirds of Hungarians reject financing Ukraine further until Hungary receives the EU funds owed to it #Ukraine #government

Is this the Hungarian reality? Fidesz would win 3/4 party majority in election

Can we declare that there is no Hungarian opposition force?

No surprise about whether Hungarians still support Orbán or not

A fresh poll was conducted by the Centre for Fundamental Rights, a government-close institution about Orbán's popularity #Hungary #Hungarian #ViktorOrbán #poll #Fidesz #dailynewshungary

New poll shows how the Hungarian governing party and the opposition stand

Now they are still in parliament, but these four parties have become micro-parties with one percent support on the opposition side:

Latest poll: only four opposition parties above the parliamentary threshold

#Fidesz is in the lead, the Hungarian opposition is in transition: #dk #momentum #mihazank #TwoTailedDog #jobbik #socialists #lmp #párbeszéd

Latest poll: War and crisis? Orbán and Fidesz can’t fail

Fidesz could win another huge victory in the next European Parliament elections

Fidesz maintains lead, but its support fell by 7 percentage

Ruling Fidesz has maintained its lead over the opposition parties over the summer, but...

Unbelievable! Fidesz lead over opposition widens after election!

Here are the findings of the most recent poll. #Hungary #Hungarian #poll #politics #Fidesz #ViktorOrban

Pro-govt poll: Orbán and Fidesz retains lead

"The Russia-Ukraine war has clearly had a negative impact on support for the smaller parties". #HungaryElection2022

Government-close think tank: six out of ten Hungarians back Orbán

Six out of ten Hungarians support Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a poll by the government-close Centre for Fundamental Rights released on Thursday shows. #Hungary #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #ViktorOrbán #government #poll #survey #election2022