

Orbán believes pro-peace forces will prevail in Europe

Do you believe that Orbán's ideas will become the mainstream in Europe? #orban #warinukraine #jobbik #lmp #socialists

Orbán cabinet’s Tusványos festival kicks off today in Transylvania

The Tusványos festival is starting today. Viktor Orbán's speech at the festival in 2022 caused significant public outcry. #Tusványos #festival #politics #Orbán #Transylvania

The end has arrived for OTP Bank in Romania: the last step has been taken

OTP Bank has relinquished its market role in Romania, despite being an important institution for many Hungarians in Transylvania.

PM Orbán’s summer university will be in Transylvania’s heart again – here is its motto

The 33rd Bálványos Summer University in Tusnádfürdő, central Romania, will be held on July 23-28. #romania #tusványos #summeruniversity #orban

New Wizz Air flight connects Budapest with city close to Dracula’s castle

Dracula's castle in Transylvania not far from the destination of the new Wizz Air flight. #wizzair #dracula #romania #travel #tourism

600-year-old Hungarian castle beautifully renewed – PHOTO GALLERY

The astonishing Hungarian castle Ugron in Fiatfalva has been beautifully renewed in Transylvania, and you can even rent the entire building. Check out the details and photos in our article below. #castle #ugroncastle #transylvania #romania #building #renovation

Ethnic Hungarian RMDSZ secures seats in EP, Hungarian mayors re-elected in several Romanian cities

Romania's ethnic Hungarian party RMDSZ reached the 5 percent European parliamentary threshold, while several Romanian cities elected a Hungarian mayor.

Hungary just got closer to the United States: direct flights launch from nearby airport

The United States just got one step closer to Hungary: #UnitedStates #flight #airport #NewYork

Day of National Cohesion – Culture Minister: Creating value right response to Trianon

Day of National Cohesion - 4 June, 1920 - Treaty of Trianon

What happened today in Hungary? – 1 June, 2024

Here's what happened: guest workers in Hungary, bomb threat in Budapest, Russian flags in the Parliament, tropical paradise beach opened #whathappened

Anti-Hungarian Romanian President Iohannis as NATO Secretary General candidate supported by Orbán’s cabinet

Despite Iohannis' previous anti-Hungarian hate speech, he is supported by the Hungarian government

New passenger terminal to be built at Transylvanian airport

Have you ever travelled to this airport? #Transylvania #airport #travel #flight

Stunning 600-year-old Transylvanian castle restored to glory – explore the photo gallery

Romanian-Hungarian partnership: inauguration of the renovated 600-year-old Transylvanian castle

Hundreds of thousands of Hungarians celebrated Pentecost in Csíksomlyó in 2024 – PHOTOS

Have you ever had the chance to participate in the Csíksomlyó Pentecost celebration? #pentecost #csíksomlyó #transylvania #romania #szeklerland

Hungarian minister Bóka: Strong Hungarian representation in EP important

Strong Hungarian representation in the new European parliament and cooperation between Hungarian MEPs from various countries is important, minister Bóka said. #EuropeanUnion #EuropeanParliament #Hungarians

Beautiful PHOTOS: Building of Hungarian university in Transylvania renovated

The Hungarian Sapientia University of Transylvania is crucial in terms of the survival of the Hungarian nation, deputy PM Zsolt Semjén said at the inauguration. #university #transylvania #education

Outrageous: 15-year-old sportsman assaulted in Romania for being Hungarian

The abused boy was tied up, shaved bald, beaten, given alcohol to drink and ashes thrown on his head, and made to mime sexual games. #abuse #crime #romania #transylvania #hungarians

The Hungarian tradition of sprinkling on Easter Monday – UPDATED

Hungary has a couple of interesting traditions that foreigners (or even younger Hungarians) might find weird. One of these is sprinkling on Easter Monday: #sprinkling #easter #tradition

Amazing news: Special saltwater spa opens in Transylvania with new look

The spa's greatest treasure is its thermal water, with a high salt and mineral content, which comes from a depth of 1,000 metres and... #thermal #bath #spa #saltwater #transylvania #parajd #paraid

Hungarian FM Szijjártó marks 1848 anniversary in Transylvania

The message of Hungary's 1848 revolution is that Hungarians must join together and "each of them is counted on in improving our nation's future," foreign minister Péter Szijjártó said. #hungarians #romania #transylvania #1848 #nationalday