Tattoo artist. Everything about your dream career or where to go to become a tattoo artist

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The tattoo industry is an undisputed form of modern art, immensely popular, making the profession of a tattoo artist more relevant than ever. Just look around; nearly every other person you see has a visible tattoo, while many others elegantly conceal theirs under clothing. These individuals all seek quality service and skilled tattoo artists, eagerly awaiting your talents in various corners of the globe. So, why wait? In this VEAN TATTOO article, we’ll address your concerns and provide insights into this undeniably creative, captivating, and simultaneously serious career path. Discover the skills required of a tattoo artist and what to expect.

Where does the magic unfold, or where can one receive training for the intricate profession of tattoo mastery?
Just two decades ago, being a tattoo artist wasn’t considered a serious, steady career, and finding educational opportunities was difficult. Most artists were self-taught, often leading to negative outcomes due to lack of safety and sterility control, as well as low-quality work.

A tattoo artist’s job is not just about creating beautiful designs and cool sketches; it’s a serious profession with significant responsibility. After all, tattoo artists work with other people’s skin, injecting ink beneath the surface, and must strictly adhere to the most crucial aspect of their work: safety techniques at every stage of the tattooing process.

VEAN Tattoo
Source: VEAN Tattoo

To ensure you’re selecting quality education, carefully examine the options available in the market. Remember, education is not an area to cut corners. When choosing tattoo courses, prioritize long-term prospects. For example, VEAN TATTOO, as a global network, offers training opportunities worldwide. Years of experience have equipped us with extensive expertise, allowing us to share valuable knowledge with students. It’s important to recognize that not all tattoo artists are inclined to teach and pass on their skills, so it’s crucial to learn where experienced mentors are already established, understanding students’ needs and how to interact with them most productively.

Studios with high qualifications often offer training opportunities with installment plans, reducing financial burdens without compromising the quality of education.

VEAN Tattoo
Source: VEAN Tattoo

One of the most concerning and daunting questions on the path to one’s dream: Can you become a tattoo artist if you can’t draw?

Certainly, possessing an artistic background and drawing proficiency is highly beneficial in this creative field. However, drawing is not solely a talent; it’s also a skill that can be developed. How can one determine their aptitude without exploring it through acquiring new knowledge and practical experience? Therefore, the question regarding drawing isn’t entirely precise. The correct answer to this question is as follows: If you are persistent, unafraid of hard work, eager for new knowledge and self-improvement, you have every chance of becoming a professional in this field.

VEAN Tattoo
Source: VEAN Tattoo

And now about the best part. About opportunities.

In this section of the article, we’ll dial down the seriousness and delve into the pleasant moments and opportunities. What path does a tattoo artist’s career take after completing tattoo courses and obtaining a license? It all depends on you, your perseverance, and your ability to absorb new knowledge. A tattoo artist’s career truly opens many doors.

Firstly, there’s a stable income with no limits. Your value grows with you; the more experience and development you gain, the more valuable your services become. Earnings at the entry level can start at 1000 euros per month and can reach 14,000 euros per month and higher, depending on your skill and professionalism. 

Secondly, it’s an opportunity for social engagement. Interaction with new people, the tattoo community, participation in various events such as tattoo conventions, and more.

Thirdly, you can work anywhere, being invited as a guest to other tattoo studios around the world, which is truly exciting.

Tattoo artist.

In conclusion, we note that the times when creativity and money were incompatible are long gone. Nowadays, the field of artistic professions, including tattoo artists, is no longer associated with financial difficulties. Pursue what genuinely ignites your passion and curiosity without hesitation. It’s those who have faith in themselves that can fully unleash their potential.

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