The European Union is “making pathetic attempts” to hamper investments in EU member states, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said on Friday, adding that investments were the only way to avoid recession amid the war and sanctions. Szijjártó told a press conference after a meeting of EU foreign trade ministers that Hungary had used investments as a key economic booster after the coronavirus pandemic, and that it would need them to maintain growth.
Member states are currently allowed to issue government subsidies of up to 37.5 million euros to support investments without EU approval, he said. “We hit records in the past years, but we could have drawn even more investments had the European Commission not blocked them,” he said, calling for a suspension of the regulation. Approval procedures can take more than a year, he said.
Certain Hungarian approval applications have been before the body for 4 years, he said. “That is unacceptable even in normal circumstances, and undercuts European competitiveness,” he said. The measure is putting investments worth hundreds of thousands of euros and the creation of “hundreds, maybe thousands” of jobs at risk, he said.
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“The EC is blocking Hungary from accessing the monies it’s entitled to, and even hinder us from using our own money to create jobs,” he said. Szijjártó also touched on trade disputes between the EU and the US, saying that US competitiveness and trading positions had improved greatly recently. “The European economy’s decline into recession is good news for the US, and they can obviously profit from it,” he said.
Measures like the US Inflation Reduction Act, “discrimination against European electric cars” and tariffs on aluminium raise the suspicion that the US “have breached regulations of world economy”, he said. The EU should support its own economy and companies in the face of such measures, he added.
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Opposition DK accuses Fidesz of wanting ‘to strip Hungarians of funding’
The Hungarian government wants to make sure that Hungarian citizens and entrepreneurs do not receive funding if the European Union blocks Hungary’s funds, an MEP of the Democratic Coalition (DK) said on Friday, referring to an amendment proposal submitted by Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi to a European parliamentary resolution which sought to prevent local authorities from disbursing EU resources.
“Three-quarters of MEPs voted down the proposal which was a betrayal of Hungarians,” Sándor Rónai told an online press conference after Thursday’s EP voted against adopting Hungary’s recovery fund plan. He noted the resolution declared that “the government has not eliminated stealing and corruption in Hungary.”
Fidesz said in response in a statement that Hungary’s left-wing parties had been “bought by foreign powers, and they are constantly working against national interests.” The left-wing parties in the European Parliament “approved a text that they had previously drafted” to prevent Hungary from getting the EU resources that the country is entitled to, it added.
Source: MTI
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Wow – Foreign Minister – Peter Szijjarto – really is a LOOSE cannon.
Don’t believe POWERFUL influential members of the European Union, would “tick off” in agreement to Peter Szijjarto’s opinions and comments.
The jury still rests after time, as to the degree of intellectual ability and capacity that Peter Szijjarto in FACT has been granted.
We know the “Love Child” he is to Victor Orban and the “fall guy” role – defined possible as a “gofer” – he has OFTEN played for the present Prime Minister of Hungary.
Szijjarto – is a 1st Class “lemming” of the Fidesz/Orban – school of Politics.
Hungary continues to do itself NO favours with the European Union, with FIRMAMENT of Opinions such as Szijjarto – has BROADCAST.
Why would anyone be surprised that the EU hinders the Hungarian economy? Fortunately, profit counts and many large corporations ignore Brussel’s wishes, e.g. BMW.
Labour Costs – very MUCH drive WHY likes of BMW – not afraid to invest in Hungary.
Worker on the assemble line at a factory in Hungary – hourly rate, conditions of employment – when you COMPARE to Germany, we in Hungary are “cheap fodder” for Foreign Investment.
Do the MATHS – look at the BIG-Picture, and the CHEAPNESS of Labour in Hungary, massive reasons why the likes of Investors use Hungary as a place for their specific production/manufacturing needs.
Get off your imaginary cross Peter, no one is plotting against Hungary except the people that you work for.
@”gaborszsazsa” (gaborzsazsa?):
It’s the always blame somebody else modus operendi in action – the one he (Fm. P.Sz.) learned so well from his authoritarian boss.
…Yes, yes, the EU is working hard to see one it’s own members in rack and ruin. Give me a break!
@mariavontheresa it would be interesting to see how much we’re investing per employee – I’m sure BMW did the math
Also – EU – there are rules re state aid, for good reason:
Not referencing István Tiborcz or any OLAF cases – but I could! Another reason to have supra-national rules.