The organiser of the Brussels orgy: the Hungarian MEP attended the sex party without being invited!

The 29-year-old doctoral student who organised the event made it clear it was a sex party. David Manzheley also revealed that the former Hungarian MEP, József Szájer, was not even invited to the orgy. The host himself admitted he had not known him before.
As we previously reported, it has been confirmed that the former Hungarian MEP, József Szájer, attended the sex party in Brussels, which was shut down by the police on Friday night.
According to the Belgian newspapers, drugs were also found at the scene.
On Tuesday, József Szájer resigned and admitted that he had attended the “house party”, according to his wording.
According to 24, twenty-five people, mostly men, including several diplomats and a member of the European Parliament, allegedly took part in the event, which the Belgian papers call an orgy. The sex party participants were fined for violating curfew restrictions. Belgian news portal HLN first named József Szájer and then deleted his name from the article. They also noted that the Hungarian politician wanted to flee through the gutter.
Hungarian news portal Blikk reached out to the event organiser, who made it clear it was a sex party. According to the 29-year-old doctoral student, David Manzheley,
Szájer was not invited to the orgy; the host himself admitted he had not known him before.
Originally, he invited only ten guests because of the restrictions, asking only those of his friends to come who had already undergone a coronavirus infection to be more safe. Eventually, a total of twenty-five showed up, as many brought their friends to the sex party.
“The police slammed the door on us without knocking. They behaved very rudely, insulting us. Yet how could we have handed over our IDs so quickly when we weren’t wearing our underpants?” – said the organiser of the orgy, David Manzheley. The 29-year-old doctoral student did not deny that it was a sex party but denied that they had used drugs. In his words, they just had a drink, like in a cafe, “and of course the guests had sex with each other”.
According to the Belgian prosecutor’s office, the neighbours called the police because the partyers were having too much fun. The Police shut down the party around 9:30 pm.
While the police were busy with the rest of the crowd, József Szájer climbed out the window and then, clinging to the gutter, descended onto the street.
However, a fleeing Hungarian MEP with a bleeding hand was seen by a passer-by who told the case to the police. Furthermore, drugs were also found in his backpack, although Szájer wrote in his statement that he did not know how they could have got there.
As Blikk reports, Szájer had everything in his backpack, but no documents. The police therefore transported him home to identify himself. Szájer did this at his apartment with his diplomatic passport. According to his statement, he asked the police to take a drug test on him, but this was not done. This is surprising because, according to the prosecution, Szájer has also been prosecuted for drug possession, reported the news portal.
Party Crasher, ended up for want of an expression, caught with his pants down.
Embarrassing but it will all come out in the wash, but expect quantities of soiled linen, will be – exposed – in its investigatory process.
It will not be a pleasing nor a pleasant artistic sight, if Jozsef Szajer – has to – reveal and bear all – in an investigation process.
His beard could remain, but other areas of his anatomy that could reveal “heavy bush” – maybe consider a “trim” and tidy up.
To-wards the back could be the safe option, to take a seat, as it would not be like a replication of the masterful Michelangelo sculpture of David – that would be exposed before your very eyes.
Having climbed the ladder of success his career ended as he slid down a greasy drain pipe and landed in the gutter. A fitting epithet for this hypocritical homophobe.
Slightly controversial:
Fidesz, which promotes lofty Christian morality and anti-homosexuality …
A homosexual drug-possessed, high-ranking Fidesz politician fleeing from the police …
I feel almost sympathetic with this hypocrit who for decades had to hide and repress his genuine sexual orientation in order to pursue a successful career in a party that openly despises homosexuals describing them as degenerated subhuman species.
And God only knows how many more like him, within Fidesz’ and affiliate so called “Christian party” ‘s low and high ranks… they so much reminde of those Third Reich thugs who persecuted Homosexuals, putting them in concentration camps, when they themselves were enjoying gay orges…
József Szájer is a diplomat. Shouldn’t he, all MEPs, Prime Ministers and Presidents be exempt from the laws the rest of us have to follow? Rule of Law, remember? It’s like tRump trying to pardon his family before they have been served with summons for laws they may have broken. Those trying to protect themselves like this, must have something to hide.
Oh, and the hypocritical “Christian” thing, typical of conservatives. More skeletons in their closets than in an abandoned morgue. This whole, “Hungarians standing up for Christianity” stance is pathetic. Orban=BFF with Xi Jinping; leader of one of the most anti-Christian countries in the world. To be fair, China hates all religions. The anti-Christian behaviour of Orban and Fidesz is easily documented.
“Honest officer, I don’t know how those drugs got into my private bag.” — Hope he doesn’t leave critical government documents lying around like that. If drugs can be put in his bag, important documents can be removed. Seems József Szájer is a serious security threat to top things off. Good thing he can’t be held accountable for his actions.
Another privileged, spoiled, over grown child caught with his hands in the cookie jar! Or should I say koki jar?
But were these men wearing masks during the orgy? The public have a right to know!
The list is long of hypocritical politicians making rules and not following them. Makes you wonder, what do they know that they are not letting us know. Maybe they don’t care if they die? Maybe the virus isn’t as dangerous as we’ve been led to believe? Do they have a cure we don’t get to use, have they already been vaccinated? Too much do as I say, not as I do.