“The Race to Find the Fastest Airline in the World”: The Budapest Runway Run

One of the active runways of Budapest Airport was the venue of an outstanding and unique sport event right here in the Hungarian capital. Budapest Airport, Nike, Wizz Air and anna.aero organised a charity run on 6 September with participants coming from all over the world.
Related article:
Budapest: Runway Run on the runway (2013)
The organisers referred to the event as the “the world’s next great must-be-at aviation event” with donations and support from entry fees going to charity. More than 600 runners participated in the race.
Various prizes, including the so called “Golden Cake Trophies”, were awarded to the best runners. There were three team categories “The fastest airline team”, “the fastest airport team” and “the fastest aviation enterprise”. There were also male and female individual categories (12 km) and a “2 X 6 km relay”.
Jost Lammers, CEO of Budapest Airport, talked about the event as follows:
“We are delighted to host the Runway Run at Budapest Airport, as the participants are sure to be treated to a very special experience. This race is unique in Europe, …
We are very grateful to our airport partners and the authorities who exhibited a flexible and cooperative approach to make this extraordinary event possible, and, last but not least, for participating with teams of their own,”
According to Bud.hu (Budapest Airport Website), the organisers collected money coming from the entry fees as well as donations offered during the event to aid child cancer charities.
written by Magdolna Magonyi
Source: http://www.bud.hu/
Photo: MTI – Peter Lakatos
Source: http://www.anna.aero/budrunwayrun/