These Hungarian employers made vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory for their workers

According to a recent Hungarian government decree, companies have the opportunity to make vaccination against COVID-19 compulsory for their employees. Some domestic companies and even educational institutions have already decided to introduce the new regulation. Thus, these employers refuse to employ any worker who has not been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Based on the government decree published on 28th October, the purpose is “to ensure that companies and enterprises, at the suggestion of employers’ organisations, have the right to require workers to be vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as a condition of employment if deemed necessary for the safety of those working there”. Accordingly, the vaccination may be made into a condition of employment from 1st November, unless the worker is exempted from taking the vaccine for health reasons.

Currently, several domestic companies are still negotiating about the issue.

However, some domestic employers have already decided to make vaccination against COVID-19 compulsory for their employees.

Richter Gedeon

Richter Gedeon Plc. is one of these companies. The pharmaceutical company announced the new condition at a press conference on Monday. According to the CEO, Gábor Orbán, this is a safe step in terms of the security of supply. The vaccination will be mandatory for employees because Richter Gedeon is a manufacturing company, and illnesses can jeopardise the continuity of production. Furthermore, in their case, home office is not an option. That is why the pharmaceutical company decided to make vaccination against COVID-19 compulsory for its employees, reported Portfolio.

University of Szeged

According to an announcement published this Tuesday, employees of the University of Szeged (SZTE) must take the vaccine against the coronavirus within 45 days or prove that they have already received it. As reports, only those who are unable to take the vaccine due to a medical condition that must be proven with a medical certificate are exempted from the vaccination obligation.

If someone does not get vaccinated, they will be sent on a one-year unpaid leave, and if they do not take the vaccine after that, their legal relationship will end.

Read also: Government: those that refuse to get vaccinated can be forced to take unpaid leave

Eötvös Loránd University

One of the most prestigious higher education institutions in Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University, has also decided to make vaccination against the coronavirus compulsory for its employees. Exemption is granted only to those who are unable to receive it for medical reasons or who do not spend long periods of time in the institution. Based on the decision of the Epidemiological Coordinating Body of ELTE, employees must confirm receipt of the vaccine by 15 December, reported Hungarian news portal Blikk.

Social institutions

According to the decision of the Budapest Mayor’s Office, vaccination will be compulsory for workers in residential social institutions most at risk from the COVID epidemic. The new condition affects employees at nursing homes, homeless and temporary accommodations. Employees who do not receive a coronavirus vaccination within 45 days and cannot provide proof of medical reasons may choose between presenting their valid immunity card or taking unpaid leave. Up to now, 92.57% of the workers concerned have taken the vaccine, reported Hungarian news portal Pénzcentrum.

Parliamentary staff

Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 will be mandatory in the Hungarian Parliament as well. According to Azonnali, until 31 December, all members of parliament must be vaccinated with at least the first dose of one of the vaccines, proof of which must be provided. Only those who are unable to receive the vaccine for medical reasons will be exempted from this obligation.

Anyone who does not get vaccinated will be sent on unpaid leave from 1st January and will not be able to return to work until they have been inoculated.

Hungarian news portal Telex has been informed that only parliamentary staff is obliged to take the vaccination, as the deputies cannot be obligated to do so by the Office of the National Assembly. Deputies are not employed by the National Assembly and can only be required by law to take the vaccine.


Following the government decree that came into force on 1st November,

two Budapest municipalities announced making the coronavirus vaccine compulsory for their employees.

In the 12th district, workers are required to take the first dose until 15 December. In addition, the mayor of Budapest’s 16th district has also announced the introduction of compulsory vaccination, which must be taken by all employees of municipal institutions, as well as office, nursery, kindergarten, social or sentry workers, by 20 December.

So far, we have been informed about the Hungarian employers mentioned above that made inoculation mandatory for their employees. In the case our Dear Readers know about more, please share them with us in a comment.

Ongoing negotiations

Many Hungarian companies have not come to a decision yet. In their case, the final decision is expected after the necessary professional consultations and the assessment of the employees’ level of immunity. Therefore, the new vaccination regulation is still being discussed in the case of OTP, MOL, Magyar Telekom, Zwack, CIG Pannónia, and Alteo.

Companies that do not make vaccination mandatory

Some companies have already decided not to make vaccination compulsory for their employees. As Pénzcentrum reports, SPAR Hungary, which employs 14,000 people, does not make vaccination against the coronavirus compulsory but encourages each of its employees to get vaccinated if possible. The company also makes the use of masks mandatory for employees in all areas of its operation to protect customers and employees. In addition, Akko, Pensum, Masterplast, Gloster, ANY Security Printing House, Delta Technologies, and AutoWallis do not wish to make vaccination compulsory. According to their announcements, these companies are ready to react quickly in the case it is necessary. In addition, in some cases, a high proportion of employees are vaccinated.

According to the latest news reported by Telex, Audi in Győr has also come to a decision: it does not make vaccination compulsory for its nearly 13,000 employees. At the same time, “the company remains committed to protecting the health of its employees”. Therefore, the previously operating vaccination point on the factory site will be set up again where the company’s employees and family members will once again have the opportunity to take the vaccination from mid-November.

100% inoculation

Some Hungarian companies do not even have to make a decision, as the vaccination rate among employees is 100%. Companies where every employee has already received at least 2 Covid vaccines include Nap, Nordtelekom, Cyberg and Graphisoft Park. As Portfolio reports, the latter constantly monitors the immunity level of workers through antibody testing.

Mandatory vaccination across Europe

The idea of ​​compulsory vaccination divides the public across Europe.

In addition to Hungary, Italy, Greece, France, Belgium, and the UK also introduced compulsory vaccination for healthcare workers. If this is not possible for health reasons, a rapid antigen test is required at least twice a week. In Italy, the state only covers the cost of the test if someone is unable to vaccinate for health reasons. Meanwhile, Spain is considering introducing compulsory vaccination for all workers, not just healthcare workers. As Hungarian news portal Mérce reports, the proposal is supported by the local employers’ association, however, the Spanish health minister opposes the idea of ​​compulsory vaccination.



  1. Total insanity… Abuse of power and violation of human rights, civil rights, freedom of choice!!! Unconstitutional!!! This is obliterating democracy!!! This isn’t about a virus, it’s about control, this isn’t about protecting, it’s about destroying, unfortunately the sheep are too bling to see pass that.

  2. This is completely illegal as the vax is authorised for EMERGENCY use ONLY and has NOT been fully approved. If it weren’t the government would have done it itself but it won’t for it wants no illegal wrangles or blow back from its citizens – especially this close to an election run. (Gov know that they can and will be taken to court so are remaining neutral).
    Employers need to realise that they can and must take employers to court for this is breaking international human rights laws. In addition, if any person being forced to take the vax and has any adverse reaction – can and I suggest, do take them to court making them pay for every forint you spent on medical bills and emotional troubles due to it.
    Lastly, … Every choice has consequences – Employers have a right to choose but with that choice comes consequences. You work for them for 8 hours a day and they do have a right to require a vax. You however are a free human being and have every right to live free for the remaining 16 hours of your day. They have no right to tell you what to do during those 16 hours. A vax is not something you can choose to switch off or cancel once in your body. Every person in this situation needs to insist that all employers pay for the 16 hours “out of work” as per their requirement – for that requirement will enforce such employee to be under that requirement in their free time so make them pay – thats 24/7/365 … Lets see these employers run for their money … Good luck.

  3. Unlike the far-left, Marxist, globalist West where freedom no longer exists, Hungary respects its citizens.
    I see that some of my pro-vaccination friends would prefer if the Government made vaccination mandatory. Some US courts have ruled that compulsory vaccination is unconstitutional and Biden’s order of compulsory vaccination is meeting huge resistance and successful legal challenges from conservatives.
    The Hungarian Government decree to leave the decision to require vaccination or not to the employers is a very wise decision. It actually surprised me. It will accomplish the goal of having most people vaccinated and protected without the heavy hand of Government.
    You have to understand Hungarian mentality and our struggle for freedom to see that this is the proper way. I ask my pro-vaccination friends to be patient and they will see that in the long run, this approach gets the jab done without the government’s heavy hand. Your understanding is important to me.
    I don’t care what the anti-vaccination Soros dogs bark because they want to see more dead Hungarians. That is what they get paid to do.

  4. There is a saying ….
    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
    Martin Niemöller

    Let’s play a game …..
    First they came for the elderly, and I did not speak out—because I was not an old.
    Then they came for the sick and disabled, and I did not speak out— because I was not sick or disabled.
    Then they came for the children, and I did not speak up – because I have no children.
    Then they came for the unvaccinated, and I did not speak out—because I was not an unvaccinated and I wanted them to take it so I felt safe from a virus that has a survival rate of over 98% for most.
    Then they came for me the vaccinated —and there was no one left to speak for me so they took me and switched me onto the grid.

    You fools think this is about a natural recurring virus that has never been proven to exist – you might wake up when you realise you have nothing – not even your thoughts will be your own and your offspring are but soulless shells enslaved into a digital system – controlled like dogs.

  5. Never a truer statement has been written … it is the Soros pigs that want Hungarian dead. Considering that most vaccinated will be within 2 odd years or will be suffering from debilitating auto-immune diseases for their remaining years, it saddens me to see anyone promote it so zealously. Sadistic to say the least.

  6. American strict constitutionalists oppose anything that they see as infringement on their constitutional personal liberties. I don’t agree with them and see no constitutional problem with mandatory vaccination for work and public places by employers. However, I don’t think that the Government should force people to vaccinate. I believe that employers and others may require vaccination if they feel it is needed to protect the workers but not the Government.

    In Hungary, it is the far-left, Soros trolls that post here spreading lies and doubt about the safety of vaccines. Unlike the American opposition to compulsory vaccination, these Soros trolls opposing vaccination are driven by sinister intent. They hope that a lot of deaths would be advantageous to the Gyurcsány-Dobrev-Apró gang led anti-Hungarian opposition. Very sinister.

  7. The American Constitution was written for a reason. The Forefathers understood that there was going to be a time that human freedom was to become very contested and taken away from them so they wrote what they did so that THE PEOPLE would have a LAW that would protect them against EVIL SATANIC RULERS. THAT TIME IS NOW. Humanity is at the precipice – FREEDOM or ENSLAVEMENT …. I know what I stand for. You too have a choice – choose it wisely.
    PS – There is nothing sinister about standing up to tyranny. It is people like you who cow to unproven dictates that we end up saying – Thank God we have “The Constitution” and International Human rights.
    Lastly and most importantly – and this is for all to read … GOD WINS. God gave us freedom above all else and there is NO scenario where he does not win.

  8. Foreign, Soros trolls lying about the vaccination are trying to harm, kill Hungarians.
    We had the three Covid jabs and an influenza jab. No problems at all.

  9. It takes a special kind of misled dumb to bring Soros into this.
    Nature will take care of you, no worries.

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