Tourists flood Hungary, but some are still missing

The number of foreign tourists in Hungary is back to pre-pandemic levels. However, unlike before, very few people are coming from one country. Can you guess who they are and what the reason is?

Tourists are coming to Hungary in huge numbers again

According to the president of the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants (Magyar Szállodák és Éttermek Szövetsége, MSZÉSZ), the number of summer bookings suggests that the number of foreign tourists in Hungary will reach pre-pandemic levels this year.

The expert stressed the importance of international events in the tourism sector. He added that Chinese tourists are once again showing renewed interest in Hungary, reports.

International events attract them

“Foreign tourists have returned to Hungary, and based on the inbound tourism recorded so far this year and summer bookings, their numbers are approaching pre-pandemic levels. This was already reflected in hotel turnover at Pentecost, when domestic guests also arrived in much greater numbers than could have been predicted. But internationally renowned sports competitions also play a big role in this, which are always a big attraction abroad and help the capital to be full and generate high revenues,” Tamás Flesch, president of the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants, told

According to the expert, the Europa League final at the end of May attracted a lot of foreign visitors. A lot of money was spent in Budapest on those days.

Mr Flesch reminded that the 120th anniversary of the Harley Davidson Festival will take place in the second half of June. It is expected to attract 100-120 thousand people from all over Europe, who will not only stay in the capital but also in the surrounding towns and villages.

“We are also looking forward to the World Athletics Championships in August and Formula 1, because these are all major events that are good for inbound tourism,” he said.

More Chinese, less Russian tourists

The president of the MSZÉSZ said that after the end of the restrictions due to the pandemic, the interest of Chinese tourists is now on the rise again. However, there are far fewer tourists from one country than before.

“In terms of sending countries, Germany and the UK are still in the lead, but there is also a lot of interest from Israel. The Russian-Ukrainian war, on the other hand, means that Russian tourists, traditionally big spenders in the past, are still lagging behind from the Hungarian market, but inbound tourism from Eastern Europe is not doing badly,” Mr Flesch explained.


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