Traditions, faith jeopardised by nihilism, says House Speaker Kövér in Saint Petersburg
The real struggle today is between “people protecting their traditions, faith, and values” and “nihilists denying all that”, House Speaker László Kövér said in Saint Petersburg on Tuesday.
Speaking on the sidelines of the 137th general assembly of the Interparliamentary Union, Kövér said that certain “private powers” sought to eliminate traditional values and those circles were now “overpowering” most countries in the world. He also added that
George Soros, the “emblematic” US billionaire, is “one of the most agile players of those private powers”.
“The migration crisis is in fact a tool in those endeavours in the background aimed at eliminating or diluting European cultures, thus making people … isolated and even more easy to manipulate”, Kövér insisted.
On the subject of Ukraine’s education law, Kövér said that “once the majority seeks total power over a minority, it will not only harm that community but, in the long run, it will do harm to itself, too.”
Through its education law, Ukraine has violated international agreements, which has elicited criticism both in the Council of Europe and the European Parliament, Kövér said. He added that he hoped the Venice Commission will also “tell Kiev that it has taken measures that are not compatible with European standards”.
Photo: MTI
Source: MTI