Tragic! Hungarian Olympic champion Szilveszter Csollány dies at 51 due to coronavirus

The Hungarian Olympic, world and European champion gymnast was hospitalised at the beginning of December due to coronavirus infection. Despite the long struggle, the tragic news has been announced today that the Hungarian Olympian passed away at the age of 51.
Szilveszter Csollány was born on 13th April 1970 in Sopron. Thanks to his above-average physical abilities and perseverance, he achieved considerable success in gymnastics from an early age.
The breakthrough success came at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, where the athlete won an Olympic gold medal. This achievement earned him the title Hungarian Sportsman of The Year in 2000 and 2002. His success story was completed when he won the 2002 World Championships in Debrecen. The following year he retired after winning one Olympic gold and silver, one World Championship gold and five silver medals, and one European Championship gold, one silver and four bronze medals – reported by Metropol.
After his retirement, Csollány worked as a gymnastics coach. He spent a few years teaching in Iceland and Switzerland. In the last few years, he commuted between Sopron and Austria.
The Hungarian Olympian was hospitalised on 3rd December with coronavirus infection.
Due to his worsening pneumonia, doctors kept him alive with artificial lungs in a Budapest hospital. The condition of the Olympic athlete was unknown for a few weeks.
Unfortunately, today the Hungarian Gymnastics Federation and the Hungarian Olympic Committee have announced
the tragic news that the Hungarian Olympian passed away at the age of 51.
In addition to his outstanding sporting achievements, Szilveszter Csollány was an excellent husband and father. The Hungarian Olympic champion is mourned by his three daughters and his wife, the Hungarian Gymnastics Federation, the Hungarian Olympic Committee and the entire Hungarian nation.
We call this beauty of media. If Sylvester was not vaccinated, it would have been all over news. Can they admit that he was actually vaccinated? Yep, you bet right! Condolences to the family.
I think that if he would have been hospitalized in the the west (US,UK, Germany….) he would have survived.
Rest in peace.
I read this article expecting to see if he was vaccinated or not and if he was, when, how many ans which vaccines he got. Nothing of the most important info was written in this article. Only sentimental writing. Wasted my time.
Dear Boing, there is no verified info on whether he was vaccinated or not. It’s never published when a public figure (or anyone) dies unless he previously shared such information with any media outlets.
Over million negative reactions to the vax- not a word about it here – over 70 young vaxed athletes – many football players suddenly dropped dead in less than 6 months-many live on video not one word about it here
TM, once again you are spreading fake news. Names, surnames, facts. List them, one by one. Thank you.
@Mario … …. just one google search later.
@Eleonora … I mean no disrespect but is it not your job as a journalist to dig that info out. Sitting there stating in was never published is just not good enough. Good journalists ask the hard questions and I understand there is a certain privacy issue here but you should be asking of this government hard stats like … so how many are actually dying after being vaxed? That is reporting.
and again … just a little reading elsewhere and it appears that he was indeed vaccinated …
Elenora Jobst – in receiving information, into a Media outlet – in this case DNH – whether sourced or by notification received from external resources – like the tragedy surrouding the death of this individual, through this on-going Novel Virus, the question simple could be asked – was the deceased Vaccinated.
The writing of the article – should have included a paragraph, that information or Communication – Yes or No – surrounding the death of this individual – that no statement has been made from Authority nor his Family – if the deceased was Vaccinated.
This amateurish standard of journalism – certainly not Investigative Journalism – writing an article in this style and format does leave readers in a postion that there is “veiled” information in this case – the death of this individual.
DNH – again and the name Elenora Jobst appears – AGAIN – you have left yourself open for valid critism in the poor standard of writing journalistic quality & standard contained in this article.
Elenora – mature and grow as previously advised to you from CRITICISM.
Respect gained from others through your ability to handle & cope through CRITICISM – must be your Goal – if you see yourself building a career in journalism.
Perfection is but for the Few – but if you don’t seek and earn – embrace the need of RESPECT – problems will mount and and haunt you.
You will be known and WITNESSED – that you Elenora Jobst – doesn’t handle CRITICISM – and that is reflective in her writing and responsive style and tone – she ADAPTS.
Study up on Investigative Journalism – career developement – what the CORE of it centers on.
FedUP – thank-you.
Elenora Jobst – learn.
If this information was sourced – obtainable and publichly available – as it is, this article you again come out with an attitude in commentary format, that confirms again, your failure of character and maturity.
Learn from your ERROR(S) and listened to those who with knowledge and experience – continue to give your lessons in Journalism or evan lessons in life.
Life is a Hard School of Knocks – but if you don’t Listen with Respect – and respect opinions of others, engrossed in your own Ideas and Philosophy – one dimensional in your vision of life – being ME, the mountain you plan to climb, in your career and life, will never eventuate.
Again, fake news .
I am so sick of this lies all Uber the world. He was right about the vaccine they don’t work it has been proved it’s all Uber the court but of course the news won’t cover it because they all in the pockets of this globalist who is making billions on human it’s biggest hoax!!!!!
HE WAS VACCINATED SO HE CAN KEEP TEACHING BUT HE WAS AGAINST IT ! Probably that why his dead !!!! Wake up people!!!
I see the anti vaxx crowd are out in force with their misinformation and crackpot theories. Scum of the earth.
His last Instagram Post (30.09.2021)
“Beoltottam magam !És az ismétlőre se kellett heteket várni !”
“I got vaccinated! And I don’t have to wait two weeks for a second dose!”
According to the product information about COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen, it takes about two weeks to develop effective protection.
Facts, and manners, people, manners!