Hungarian historic adventure film Hadik screened in Washington

Hadik, a Hungarian historic adventure film about 18th-century Hussar General Andras Hadik, was screened in the Kossuth House in Washington, DC, on Friday evening.

Directed by János Szikora, it tells the story of a highly adventurous military mission assigned to Hadik by Queen Maria Theresa with the aim to humiliate the Prussian king. After the screening in Washington, the audience had the chance to meet actress Lili Bordán who lives in the US and plays a role in the film. The film was already shown to full house of Hungarian audiences in Sarasota, FL, this week and in the Liszt Institute in New York at a celebration of the Day of Hungarian Film before. The film is planned to be shown in other Hungarian communities in the United States as well as at film festivals in Los Angeles and Toronto, Csenge Palotai, the director of the New York Liszt Institute, said.

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