Opposition DK calls for extending jobseekers’ allowance to 9 months
The Democratic Coalition (DK) proposes extending the allowance for jobseekers to nine months from the current three during the time of the economic crisis, Klara Dobrev, the opposition party’s MEP, said on Monday.
“We are on the precipice of an abyss called recession,” Dobrev told an online press conference, adding that as a result of “austerities”, jobs will be lost and thousands of Hungarians will lose their livelihood.
She urged reviewing and possibly increasing every type of jobless allowance and benefits, in preparation of the economy falling into recession.
Dobrev, DK‘s shadow prime minister, proposed increasing the net amount of the HUF 133,000 (EUR 314) jobseekers’ allowance to at least 160,000 forints.
- read also – RTL: Unemployment will increase significantly by end-2022 in Hungary