Speaker warns: global forces want to create a united states of Europe
The nations in the Carpathian Basin need to cooperate perhaps more closely than ever to counter global private powers in the period to come, Hungarian House Speaker László Kövér said on Friday.
Addressing the opening of the 56th National Folk Art Festival in Zeliezovce (Zselíz), in southern Slovakia, Kövér said the “main source of danger threatening nations” in Europe, including the Carpathian Basin has changed. Due to the concentration of capital and technology over the past few decades, “supranational private corporations have emerged all over the world which seek to eliminate nation states that protect public interests in the West, he said.
“Some global powers based mostly outside Europe make every effort to transform the European Union, originally an alliance of equal nations, into a united states of Europe, namely a federation, or rather an empire, in which the current member states, including Slovakia and Hungary, would lose their right to self-determination and freedom of action, Kövér said.
These powers seek to get hold of the material and intellectual resources of the member states forever, he said.
The nations of the Carpathian Basin will therefore cry or laugh, survive or fail, win the future or lose their country, their state and their identity together, Kövér said.
The nation states have a single effective weapon to defend themselves and fight against the financial power of globalism: the force of their national identity deeply rooted in Europe’s Christian culture, Kövér said.
Source: MTI
What a load of horseshit.
Has he been on the wacky baccy? Retire old man, you shouldn’t be allowed out on your own
If Hungary did not support the loosing sides of WW1 and WW2, it would still have these areas. But it did not win and now, like Putin, Orban thinks that these areas, that have not been part of Hungary for 100 years, should be deciding equally what happens here in Hungary. This is wrong. If you want a voice in Hungary, move to Hungary. If not, sit down and shut up. Nobody cares what someone in Romania or Ukraine or Slovakia etc thinks about how Hungary should be run. Stop giving these people the right to vote in our elections. They may speak Hungarian from time to time, but the decisions made in Hungary are for Hungary!
Lázló Kövér clearly does not know much about history. “Winston Churchill, a former army officer, war reporter and British Prime Minister (1940-45 and 1951-55), was one of the first to call for the creation of a ‘United States of Europe’.”
However, before him, “United States of Europe” was also the name of the concept presented by Wojciech Jastrzębowski in About eternal peace between the nations, published 31 May 1831. The project consisted of 77 articles. The envisioned United States of Europe was to be an international organisation.”
Then we have Victor Hugo. The term “United States of Europe” (French: États-Unis d’Europe) was used by Victor Hugo, including during a speech at the International Peace Congress held in Paris in 1849.[12] Hugo favoured the creation of “a supreme, sovereign senate, which will be to Europe what parliament is to England” and said: “A day will come when all nations on our continent will form a European brotherhood … A day will come when we shall see … the United States of America and the United States of Europe face to face, reaching out for each other across the seas”.
@Gabor Zsa Zsa, I 100% agree with you. My father was born in what used to be Hungary 18 months earlier to Hungarian parents. That town had become part of Czechoslovakia. He always considered himself Czech and studied in Prague. His first passport was Czech. This ‘ethnic Hungarian’ issue is in politics is a nonsense. I doubt that there is a single person still alive in those lands who was born when they were still a part of Hungary. Orbán is as mad as Putin in his vision of recreating former ‘glories’.
@Gabor Zsa Zsa,
Tell that to Viktor Orban. 😀
He/Fidesz enjoys ALL the votes he/Fidesz gets from those voters at all the elections, the ethnic HUNGARIAN people you seem to despise .
Borders, or not, those people over the border are just as much Hungarian, as those living inside Hungary, the Mortherland (in heart and soul, some are even more Hungarian!).
I feel you don’t know what it’s like to be a REAL Hungarian, until it’s taken away from you.
@Post Modern, it’s good to read a comment from someone who knows (very) well what they are talking about – a very informed person. Thank you
United states of Europe would be a cultural suicide. To this day, the British despise the French, French and Germans just tolerate each other, Austrians think they are better than anyone else. There would always be a conflict as to who would be the top dog. The conflict already exists between Christian Democrat Poland and Hungary. Small countries would not have the chance to keep their sovereignty. United states of EU is a bad idea.
There is a great conflict presently among the EU nations. There are countries that are Christian and there are countries that wish to wipe out Christianity, that includes all countries that are leftists Marxists. The family unit is degraded in most of the EU countries. Churches in Holland turned into bicycle shops and other storefronts.
Reality is that Hungary does not belong in Christian hating unions. It may be time for Hungary to try to survive without the pagans and leave the EU.
Spýtal som sa kolegu zo Želiezoviec, čo to tam bolo za párty. Nevedel ani jeho okolie o tom netušilo. … zase nejaká miestna uzavretá skupina. Nechceme o nich počuť, nech aj oni nechajú nás na pokoji.