Ukrainian-Hungarian summit on the horizon: Zelenskyy and Orbán in discussions
In a move that could shape the future of Ukrainian-Hungarian relations, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has extended an invitation to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for a bilateral summit. The international community awaits confirmation and details.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy extends invitation
According to Economx’s recent article, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has taken a diplomatic step by extending an invitation to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for a bilateral meeting. The overture comes amidst ongoing discussions about potential talks between the two leaders, with the aim of addressing a spectrum of bilateral issues.
Conflicting reports on Orbán’s acceptance
While the Ukrainian newspaper, Korrespondent’s reports suggest that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has already accepted the invitation, other sources remain cautious, emphasising the possibility of a meeting rather than confirming Orbán’s commitment. The dynamics surrounding the summit are still unfolding, keeping the international community on the edge of anticipation.
Preparations underway: Insights from the Ukrainian Presidential Office
Furthermore, Ihor Zhovkva, Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Presidential Administration, shed light on the preparations for the proposed summit. He highlighted the significance of Ukraine’s adherence to the framework law on national minorities, aligning with recommendations from the European Commission. Notably, all but one of the recommendations, as outlined by the Venice Commission, have been implemented. This aspect is crucial, considering Hungary’s primary critique of Ukraine centres around alleged infringements on the rights of national minorities.
Agenda for discussion: A broad spectrum of topics
Deputy Head Zhovkva suggested that the potential talks between President Zelenskyy and Prime Minister Orbán could span a wide range of issues, reflecting the depth of bilateral relations. From economic matters to concerns related to national minorities, the agenda for the meeting appears comprehensive. In an interview with Interfax-Ukraine, Zhovkva remarked
We can talk about the economy, we can talk about transit between neighbouring states…there is nothing better in diplomacy than a one-on-one meeting.
This statement underscores the potential for a substantive and multifaceted dialogue between the Ukrainian and Hungarian leaders.
Read also:
- PM Orbán’s ‘secret’ agreement with the EU can save Ukraine
- Orbán: ‘There is no war in Ukraine’ as no declaration of war from Russia
Source: Economx
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“Mr Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban, respectfully, I say to you, until such time, you lead your country, reversing it’s directional adapted Political position, returning Hungary to again practice embrace, the core componentry of Democracy, which you know Mr Prime Minister, is the “Creed” of being a Member of the European Union, my country, the Ukraine, will NOT enter into dialogue with you, your country Hungary.”
Orban for the last two years was meeting with Putin and Xi instead of meeting with the leader of Ukraine right next door to Hungary. Why? Answer that burning question. We all know where Orban’s allegiance is and it is with those two dictators as well as another fellow autocrat Erdogan. Orban is an enemy of democracy, an enemy of NATO and an enemy of the EU. His behaviour can only be explained that way. Europe truly ends at the gates of Vienna.
Some people cannot see the truth when it stares them in the face. Hungary is a democracy. The FIDESZ majority government was duly elected. Hungary’s government is classified as a Christian Conservative Government. Conservative governments have served the population well over the centuries. Most people should learn what conservatism stands for before criticism.
Now, let us look at EU governments. They are socialists. Capitalism, a system which allows advancement is ignored. These socialist governments want to control all aspect of the lives of their citizens. Socialism is tantamount to pseudo communism. The people of EU are settled with uneducated, unassimilated migrants, migrants that need to be supported for the rest of their lives. Some of these migrants continually attack the Jewish population of the EU. Crimes committed by the influx has greatly risen, even creating no go zones in some countries. Due to poor political and climate decisions, more seniors died in Germany last year than years before. Women and people are not safe walking the streets during the day let alone at night.
Now, take a look at the Ukrainian government. The opposition parties were outlawed. Religious sects curtailed. Convents invaded by secret service. Ukraine’s government was the most corrupt in the EU. Zelensky and previous leaders, decided to oppress all minorities, that included the large group of ethnic Russians. This resulted in a civil war that started in 2014. In 2022
Zelensky decided to fight Biden’s proxy war; Ukraine was totally ill equipped to fight this war. Presently, Ukrainian infrastructure destroyed, high injury rate, millions of Ukrainians fled the country and thousands died. Not a great result.
The Ukrainian government is as corrupt now as in the past. Ukrainian government lies and cheats. A good example is Ukraine asking permission from Central European Governments to allow transport of grain products for Africa through their territories. Ukraine dumped the chemically altered grain in these territories. This upset the local market and the chemically and genetically altered grains have adverse effect on children in particular. The allergy to grain products is rising.
This mistaken war also ruined the EUs and North American economy to a great extent.
Let it be Hoped, you are greatly mistaken. Hungary is the only country in the EU that works only for the welfare of its people. It is absolutely a waste of time for Hungarian politicians to talk to the dictatorship of Ukraine. Hungary should never deal with countries that lie and cheat and cannot be trusted.
mariavontheresa – Repulsive, you write the word TRUTH associating it with the Orban led Government of Hungary.
Your opinion that “some people can’t see the truth when it stares them in the face” personally, and growing millions of Hungarians would take as an insult – humiliating, your “degrading” of peoples intellectual capacity, to define Truth as against the BLATENCY – the repetitiveness employed by Victor Orban and his Government, practiced driven by propaganda by Orban himself – that simple are of LIES.
“Hungary is a Democracy” what an absurd, idiotic opinion to exchange.
Why have Hungary rightfully been near on obliviated removed of no respect nor listened to acknowledged within the European Union ?
Orban, his Government have been judged by the Courts of the European Union, in summary, they have FAILED in complying to the Laws of Membership, the practice and complying of European Union Membership that the CORE of Membership is that member country’s must be a DEMOCRACY.
Control of the Media – Control of the Judiciary, Rule by Decree and Orbans agenda, to control Education – if you believe with ALL these WRONGS of practice, court rulings judgements being rightfully handed down on Hungary, through the Orban Political ideas & philosophy – or “Crazed” ideology, – go hit the books read study on, what the true depth of DEMOCRACY factually represents.
Democracy is a thing of the past in the governing of Hungary, that even the European Union acknowledges Hungary no longer practices Democracy, but leans greater than the lean of the Tower of Pisa to-wards being a Dictatorship.
Annual Membership fee’s due for Fidesz marievontheresa rewarded annually as you know, with another “glossed” photograph of your hero – Victor Orban.
Those “Fridge” magnets of Orban/Fidesz must have nearly “smothered those twin doors on that gargantuan fridge/freezer you have.
What’s the next planed place for them ?
Repulsive/Insult and just SHEER Wrongfulness: What makes you think that the EU is right? In the US, the party in power appoints the Supreme Court Justices. The nominations are vetted by the Senate, but because of the majority, nominations are seldom rejected. There is no mandatory retirement, some Supreme serves until a ripe old age. The important fact is that all justices’ decisions are made within the meaning of the Constitution. The present US Supreme Court has 6 Justices appointed by the Republicans and 3 by democrats. Although, decisions made by the “constitutional” (Republican appointees) are in line with the US Constitution, the so called “progressive” Justices (Democrat appointees in this case) publish minority opinions, disagreeing with the majority. The progressive Justices believe that the Constitution is a living document and is subject to change. The court makeup changes from time to time; no one has ever called the US Supreme Court Corrupt. What is the difference between the US and Hungarian Supreme Court. So far, there is no evidence of unequal application of the laws in Hungary.
Poland elected a pro EU government. Tusk’s first measure was to disband the media. Most people support a media that publishes only bad news and blames elected government. The population or individual citizens seldom take responsibility for their actions. News media seldom publishes good news. If one just believes that only bad things occur and nothing will ever change, it is time to commit suicide. According to leftist media all Hungarians are oppressed, persecuted, starving and abused by the FIDESZ Government. Thank God for a media outlets like Hungary Daily News, it publishes all news, some critical of the present government and some good news. Publishing the truth is not propaganda. In Hungary as in the US, media is in individual hands. The content of the news media depends on the political support of the owners. Mr. Bezos, owner of WAPO is a democrat supporter, this is reflected daily in the Washington Post. Similarly, FOX is owned by conservative leaning Mr. Murdoch, conservative views regularly aired on his stations.
Propaganda is another name for slandering the opposition pre-election and during election. Propaganda is enjoyable if one has a sense of humor. Campaigns spend millions on ads. Ads are usually placed where it will receive the widest exposure.
Presently, the people of the EU are at risk due to bad immigration policies. All EU countries signed the agreement in Dublin, then discarded it. In Germany, the Koln Cathedral has to be guarded 24 hours a day from Muslim extremists, invited into the country by Ms. Merkel. Similarly, once again, Jewish people are persecuted in Germany, France and other EU countries. The result of the previous acceptance of Jewish persecution resulted in genocide. Law and order is a thing of the past in the EU, where foreign born rapists are almost awarded a medal. Climate terrorists are trying to destroy beauty and art, and no one is outraged.
Add to local problems, the EU decided to finance Ukraine/Russia war. This is an extra text on the member countries. Ukraine’s infrastructure is destroyed, millions have fled the country and many more were killed. It is only the Orban Government that is urging the end of death and total destruction of this country. This war adversely affected the economy in the EU and North America; globalists and armament manufacturers make money.
Analyzing current events, Hungary seems to come out on top. The FIDESZ government ensured adequate energy supply. Law and order are equally and strictly enforced. Neither persecution of Hungarian Jewish people nor rampant crime is accepted. Children are protected from brainwashing and mutilation. Hungarian education system seems to work, 20+% of people work in industry that requires brain power compared to 3% and 8% in other countries. The food supply is protected from chemical infusions and genetic alterations resulting in long-term allergies. Homeless population of the country is relatively small when compared to California.
Hungarian people support a Christian Conservative government. A duly elected majority government does not mean the end of democracy. The UK (Great Britain) has a Conservative Majority Government, yet no one complains about the disappearance of democracy. Canada and the US have had several majority governments over the years. The important fact is that when the term of a government expires, an election is called. People will support a party that they trust. Hungarians have a hard time supporting socialism which is tantamount to pseudo communism. The EU socialist governments have want to control all aspect of everyone’s life.
It is time for the EU to change. It should only turn into a trading block and should stay out of internal affairs of sovereign countries.
Is everything perfect in Hungary, the answer is no. I do stand by my statement, “Some people cannot see the truth when it stares them in the face”. Canada’s constitution supports “Peace, Order and Good Government”, the FIDESZ Government seem to agree and practice the same.
Zelensky must be in panic mode.