Orbán’s Fidesz outraged: Péter Magyar’s Tisza would end the utility price cap scheme?
The Tisza Party has voted against Hungary’s utility price caps in Brussels, the European parliamentary delegation of the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrats (KDNP) said late on Thursday, referring to an EP declaration on the UN’s climate conference, COP29, held in Baku earlier this month.
The declaration called for phasing out household energy subsidies such as Hungary’s utility price caps, the statement said.
“Such a proposal would gravely harm Hungarian families, so MEPs of the Fidesz-KDNP delegation have rejected it,” they said.
Farmers, companies or families can’t shoulder the costs of the green transition alone, the statement said.
The declaration adopted on Thursday calls on member states to stop using oil, coal and gas as soon as possible, and says that energy subsidies such as the Hungarian utility price caps are “too high”, demanding that they are scrapped, the MEP group said.
“That [Tisza leader] Péter Magyar and the party should put their names on a proposal like that it outrageous,” the statement said.
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No surprise whatsoever.
Magyar is a globalist-socialist puppet. Of course he would end the cap so that Hungarians are left shivering in their homes, unable to afford the heating due to gas prices that have been obscenely inflated by virtue of the globalist-socialist agenda such as the endless war in Ukraine and the dogmatic imposition of the Net Zero garbage.
They want the standard of living of the ordinary people of the developed countries to be flung back in the Medieval times while being controlled by the State the way they are in China.
And so does Magyar.
“Turn over the Page”.
Michael Steiner, and its interesting, having a “line feed” to this person, the real name and “other” in it’s pseudonym, who really it is.
Hungary, through it’s relationship closeness with Russia, the gas and oil deals, being the outsider of the European Union of not “supporting” the Ukraine in the war of Russia it endures.
Hungary remains in isolation, in growing abandonment through its stance on the Russian war on the Ukraine.
Hungary, the people of Hungary have suffered individually through this isolation, this separation being the outcast, in its positioning of this Russian war on the Ukraine.
The damage the effects of the Hungarian government, there policies and reasons they have “played out” under the utility price cap scheme, that remains in there agenda, that sees a growing closer relationship and partnership of Hungary with Russia and China, countrys governments of communistic law, the desecration mounting effects, on the population, the people of Hungary, the respect and reputation of Hungary, that continues is unwarranted.
Hungary under it’s government, the food cap policies, the effects on the people of Hungary, there pockets have been a deplorable and un-acceptable disaster.
“Outraged” they may be, to the Tisza party position, that exhibits the Hungarian Governments, if they where an honest government with there population, and not heinous, this “outrage” is an attempt to “veil” the fact, the deepened disasters as a government they have bought upon the people the population of Hungary.
Hungary & Russia the “tied up” no way out for the government of Hungary in there relationship with Russia that includes there Debt in borrowing of funds from Russia, that Hungary, it is known, given up or signed over to Russia that makes Hungary a country, that is indebted to Russia.
Churchill referred to Europe, as that place, across the “moat” and as i write, and travel, away from the land Churchill spoke these words, to Hungary, and the “other” country’s of the European Union, my country no longer is of EU Membership wrongfully.
What I read, what I see, what I hear, the country Hungary, continues, on course, being led by a government that is not democratic “shifted” itself into a “growing” dictatorship that sees Hungary self destructing in Financial and Economic ruination, that is subservient to Russia and China.
Hungary the population, remembering the communistic ruled years from Moscow that extended from 1945 through to 1989, that are “coursed” in a return to that “era” in there history, that they, the people of Hungary, can, by objection in opposing without fear, there Government, save them-selves and there country, and the future of Hungary.
Subsidizing anything encourages increased usage and leads to increased costs for the government and the Hungarian government has no money. It is failed economics that Fidesz is engaging in which was proven with the disasterous Fidesz petrol subsidy where petrol sales increased by as I remember 20%. Fidesz had to withdraw that one. If Hungarians cannot afford to pay for their household electricity instead of subsidizing it the government can issue a check to each household to offset the increased cost. Each household can then decide to use that cheque to pay for electricity or change their consumption through conservation or greter effficiency and use the cheque to fund other needs. This method leads to decreased consumption without putting financial strain on households and leads to greater economic benefits.