Vaccine acceptance record high in Hungary

The ratio of Hungarian adults wishing to receive the coronavirus vaccine has gone up from 45 percent this January to a record 72 percent, the daily Magyar Nemzet said on Monday, citing a survey by the Nézőpont Institute.

Vaccine acceptance grew from 30 percent last year to 45 percent in January, when the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was accredited, the survey said. Further growth may have been spurred by the growing choice in vaccines, well-organised inoculation points and “pandemic fatigue”, NézÅ‘pont said.

About one-fifth of Hungarian adults want to get inoculated but are yet to register, the daily said.

Pro-vaccination sentiment is more prevalent among government sympathisers than among opposition voters, the survey has shown. Some 60 percent of opposition voters and 82 percent of pro-government voters are ready to accept the vaccine, Magyar Nemzet said. That difference was much smaller at the beginning of the year, with opposition voters lagging behind the full adult population by merely 3 percentage points, the daily said.

The survey was conducted nationwide on April 6-7 on a sample of 1,000.

Read alsoWhat is expected to change in Hungarian COVID measures?

Source: MTI

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