Vatican spokesman revealed why Pope Francis visits Hungary again
After his visit to Hungary in 2021, Pope Francis felt that he wanted to spend more time with the Hungarians, Matteo Bruni, the spokesman of the Holy Sea, said on Friday at a briefing in the Vatican, giving an outline of the pontiff’s upcoming visit to the country on April 28-30.
Bruno noted that the Pope had participated at the closing mass of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress (INEC) in September 2021 in Budapest, and on his way back to the Vatican, he told the journalists accompanying him that he would be happy to return to Hungary “to devote more time to the Hungarians”. “The current visit to Hungary is the fulfillment of that promise,” Bruni said. He said that the upcoming visit would be Pope Francis’ 41st foreign visit since his election in 2013 with 60 countries covered so far, MTI wrote.
The Pope’s schedule includes six speeches, all to be delivered in Italian. As regards the planned topics of the speeches and homilies, Bruni said that during his 2021 visit, the pope had already spoken about the priests who sacrificed their lives and followers who were persecuted for practicing their faith during the communist dictatorship. The spokesman noted that the Pope had declared Cardinal József Mindszenty, the Archbishop of Esztergom and Primate of Hungary, venerable in 2019.
Bruni said that topics to be covered during the visit would include the deportation of Jews during the second world war and a mention of those who had participated in saving lives, including apostolic nuncio Angelo Rotta and Giorgio Perlasca. He said that coinciding with an extraordinary liturgical period in the weeks after Easter, the trip would be designed to convey the message about the future, hope, openness, and trust for Christians in the current difficult times. “We will be just few hundred kilometers from Ukraine,” Bruni said, adding that “Pope Francis might also raise his voice for peace in his speeches”.
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It is HOPED – that His Holiness in his MESSAGE to Hungary, dissects and expands on the MESSAGE “gifted” us back in 1991 by Saint Pope John Paul 11.
“Be mindful of the Blessings that Freedom, which you have Definitively secured means for your Future.
Cherish it and make good use of your Liberty.”
It was August 1991 – the Pontifical Mass held in Hero’s Square, that Saint Pope John Paul11, his second visit to Hungary – delivered us these Blessed words of Wisdom – for our FUTURE.
He sat, in the VIP seats on that day did Victor Orban – and heard with his OWN ears – those Words.
WHAT a MOCKERY – has Orban made of them, and Hungary – in our millions continue to WRONGFULLY support him.
Church & Politics – in prayer it is HOPED – that Pope Francis – AWAKENS us.