Watch almost seventy Hungarian movies for free during Christmas! – VIDEOS
The Hungarian National Film Institute announced that sixty-six Hungarian movies can be watched for free on their official website between December 20 and January 5.
Index reported that the variety of movies ranges from classic Hungarian movies all the way to documentaries and even cartoons as well. Everyone who visits the site can get an insight into Hungarian movie-making history from the early beginnings up until now. For example, the Lumiére brothers’ 1896 shot about Budapest will also be available, but so will silent movies, war documentaries, and the biggest hits of the 1970s.
Some movies even come with English subtitles.
From movies for youngsters and teenagers, classic options like Lúdas Matyi, János Vitéz, and Égigérő fű will be available. From the ’80s and ’90s, Dögkeselyű, Egészséges Erotika, Roncsfilm, and Sose Halunk Meg are recommended. But besides movies, other interesting shots like the coronation of the last Hungarian King, Charles IV, can be seen with the cooperation of the Hungarian National Musem.
An interesting fact about this movie is that, for a second, the legendary Hungarian–American director Michael Curtiz (Casablanca) can be seen.
Movies which were forbidden to be played will also be available, such as Bűntetőexpedíció and Keserű Igazság, along with old classics like Mágnás Miska, A csodacsatár, and Állami áruház. From 1965, the recently restored Álmodozás kora and Örökbefogadás, which won a Golden Bear in 1975, can also be seen.
Featured image: (Filmkedvelők)