Winners of Hungary’s press photo competition announced – PHOTOS
The award winners of the 38th Hungarian Press Photo Competition were announced on Monday at the Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center. 267 photographers competed with 2488 entries, and 6079 photos altogether.
International judges decided this year too, their president was Tamás Szlukovényi, former curator of the Toronto/London based Archive of Modern Conflict, and had worked for Reuters for 25 years as a photo reporter, editor and photo editor in chief, reported Index.
Other judges were Ron Haviv, Emmy-nominated photo reporter and founding member of the New York based VII Photo Agency, João Silva, war photo reporter of The New York Times, Daniela Mrazkova Czech writer and returning judge of the World Press Photo and Pictures of The Year competitions, and Ákos Stiller photo reporter, as well as reporters from National Geographic, CNN, Der Spiegel, Stern and others.
News, event photo category:
1st place: Tamás Dombóvári (freelancer): Részvét (Condolences)
2nd place: Zoltán Balogh (MTI/MTVA): Vučjak a kiürítés után (Vučjak After Being Evacuated)
3rd place: Zoltán Balogh (MTI/MTVA): Veszélyben a búvár (Diver in Danger)
Photo report category:
1st place: Orsolya Ajpek ( A Hableány tragédiája (Tragedy of the Hableány)
2nd place: Szilárd Koszticsák (MTI/MTVA): Határvadászok szilveszterkor (Boarder Hunters on New Years Eve)
3rd place: Gabriella Németh (freelancer): Zarándokvonat (Pilgrimage Train)
Everyday life (single) category:
1st place: András Cséfalvay Á.: Kutyaterápia (Dog Therapy)
2nd place: Jácint Nagy (Savaria Forum): Karácsonyvárás (Waiting for Christmas)
3rd place: Orsolya Boncsér (freelancer): Móricnak jó napja van (Móric Is Having A Good Day)
Everyday life (series) category:
1st place: Beáta Kovács: Éber kóma (Aberrant Coma)
2nd place: István Csaba Sánta (freelancer): Slow
3rd place: Róbert László Bácsi (freelancer): Szabad élet (Free Life)
Portrait (single) category:
1st place: Sára Kölcsey-Gyurkó: Nyugalom szigete (Island of Calmness)
2nd place: Márton Ficsor (Mandiner): A híres egyfejű (The Famous One-headed)
3rd place: Laura Götzinger (Design Terminál Nonprofit Kft.): Apa (Father)
Portrait (series) category:
1st place: István Bielik (freelancer): Az utolsó mesélő (The Last Story-teller)
2nd place: Gábor Bankó (freelancer): Játék (Game)
3rd place: Zoltán Balogh (MTI/MTVA): A Hableány mentői (Saviors of Hableány)
Art (single) category:
1st place: Attila Polyák (Origo): Sziget
2nd place: Sándor Csudai (Origo): Kavicsok (Pebbles)
3rd place: Zsolt Eöri Szabó (Nemzeti Színház Nonprofit Kft.): Egy valóban kicsi történet (An actually small story)
Art (series) category:
1st place: Balázs Mohai (MTI/MTVA): Pár akkord és indul a pogó (A Few Chords and the Mosh Pit Comes To Life)
2nd place: Ádám Urbán (freelancer): A Fővárosi Nagycirkusz láthatatlan lelke (The Invisible Soul of the Grand Circus of Budapest
3rd place: István Fazekas (HVG): Idősziget (Time-island)
Sport (single) category:
1st place: Imre Földi (Nemzeti Sport): Meglepetés (Surprise)
2nd place: Tibor Illyés (MTI/MTVA): Találat (Hit)
3rd place: Zsolt Czeglédi (MTI/MTVA): Csodálkozó szem (Amazed Eye)
Sport (series) category:
1st place: János Török (Délmagyarország): Villanyfényben (In the Light of a Lamp)
2nd place: János M. Schmidt: Alanya, Paratriatlon Világkupa (Alanya, Parathion World Cup)
3rd place: Tibor Illyés (MTI/MTVA): Úszás egy kicsit “máskép” (Swimming A Little “Differently”)
Nature and science (single) category:
1st place: János Török (Délmagyarország): A hattyú halála (Death of the Swan)
2nd place: István Kerekes M. (freelancer): Együttélés (Living Together)
3rd place: Péter Rácz (freelancer): Űrlény négykerekű biciklivel (Alien on a Four-wheel Bicycle)
Nature and science (series) category:
1st place: András Hajdú D. (freelancer): A kongói dzsungel magyar hőse (The Hungarian Hero of the Congo Jungle)
2nd place: Milán Radisics (Radex Media Group Kft.): A szennyezés művészete – A növekedés rejtett költségei (The Art of Pollution – The Hidden Costs of Growth)
3rd place: István Kerekes M. (freelancer): A halál színei (The Colors of Death)
Social portrayal, documentary photography (single) category:
1st place: István Kerekes M.: Otthon (Home)
2nd place: Márton Mónus (MTI/MTVA): Karácsony (Christmas)
3rd place: Simon Móricz-Sabján (Világgazdag): Csanytelek
Social portrayal, documentary photography (series) category:
1st place: András Hajdú D. (freelancer): A fal, amit mi kerítésnek hívunk (The Wall We Call Fence)
2nd place: János Török (Délmagyarország): Ingyen van a víz, de el kell menni érte (Water Is Free, But You Have To Go Get It)
3rd place: Zoltán Balogh (MTI/MTVA): Rehab
Special awards:
- Munkácsy Márton Prize for the best collection: János Török (Délmagyarország)
- Zoltán Szalay Prize for best performance by a photo reporter under 30: Márton Mónus (MTI/MTVA)
- Best-performing photo reporter in the Counties: János Török (Délmagyarország)
- Escher Károly Prize for best news picture in Hungary: Tamás Dombóvári (freelancer) (1st place in the News category)
- Sustainability: Máté Ladjánszki’s series: Városi természet (Urban Nature)
Honorary mentions:
- Márton Mohos ( Irány Brüsszel (Heading to Brussels)
- Péter Komka (MTI/MTVA): Hospice
- András Cséfalvay Á. ( Vivien
- Orcsolya Boncsér (freelancer): “Akarsz-e játszani?” (“Do you want to play?”)
- Tibor Illyés (MTI/MTVA): Felkészülni, készen, rajt… (Ready, Set, Go…)
- István Kerekes M. (freelancer): (Seregélyek) Starlings
- András Hajdú D. (freelancer): Előre a vadnyugatnak (Forward to the Wild West)
The awards will be presented at the opening ceremony of the Hungarian Press Photo Exhibition at the Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center on April 16. The winners of the MÚOSZ Grand Prize and the André Kertész Grand Prize will also be announced then.