5 unusual yet wonderful places to stay in your next holiday in Hungary

Did you fall in love with Budapest or Lake Balaton on your first trip to Hungary, and want to explore more about the mesmerizing Hungarian landscape while spending the night in a quirky hotel? If your answer to that is a yes, check out these places to discover the country.

Thanks to budget airlines, Budapest is a popular destination for people who wants to escape for a few days to explore a stunning European city. However, the Hungarian countryside offers many interesting options as well. With the ever-growing popularity of eco-tourism, Portfolio compiled 5 places that could provide a unique experience at an unusual hotel during your next visit to Hungary.

Hungary, Travel, Hotels
Source: Egererdő Zrt. Galyatetői Turistacentrum

Sleeping in a lookout

What if we tell you, that you could spend a night in a room, which is almost as high as the highest point above sea level in Hungary? Being 111 km far from the city center in Budapest, Galyatető is the 3rd highest peak in Hungary and lies in the route of the National Blue Trail. On top of the hill, a 30-meter-high lookout has been built in 1934, which has been reconstructed in 2015, when the three highest floors have been converted to single rooms – so-called bivouacs for 5 people each. The rooms are equipped with electricity and Wi-Fi; however, guests would have to go to a different building to use a bathroom. We would recommend this special place to experienced hikers. The concrete building does not offer that much insulation from the wind and external conditions.

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Travel, Hungary, Hotel
Source: La Cantina Demjén

Wellness in a wine cellar

Just a couple of kilometers from Eger in Demjén, you could get to know the specialties of the Eger wine region in an unparalleled setting. The La Cantina guest house is carved into the side of a mountain and once operated as a wine cellar. The special feature of the place is that the bedrooms and the wellness area have kept the original lava stone interior of the cellar.

Hotel, Hungary, Travel
Source: Tisza-tó Úszóház

House on a river

It is not uncommon to see floating houses in the Netherlands or in the UK, where canal systems are more advanced. If you want to have a similar experience though while visiting Hungary, you can check out this floating house in Tiszananá on the Tisza River. While people should not leave the port without the necessary permits, the floating house may be the perfect accommodation for fishermen.

Hungary, Travel, Hotels
Source: Templomvölgy Butik Hotel & Étterem

Weekend in a church

In the close vicinity of the Mátrai Landscape Protection Area, you may book a room at the village’s former catholic church, which was converted into Templomvölgy Butik Hotel over 10 years ago. Apart from the standard rooms, it also offers a luxurious suite for discerning visitors. The building is situated near the Ski Park of Mátraszentistván, which is also a popular holiday destination in the winter.

Hungary, Farm, Hotel, Travel
Source: Őrségi Patakparti Alpaka Farm és Panzió

Alpaca farm

The Alpaka Farm és Panzió in the Őrség is the perfect place to relax in the company of these cute South American animals. The guesthouse combines two quirky features for visitors. The rooms are located in wooden houses above the ground, close to the alpaca farm of the town. Only guests with valid hotel reservations may visit the farm. However, if alpacas are not your heart’s desire, you may go on a “mushroom tour” in the forest. Another option is to plan a day trip to nearby Austria or Slovenia.

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