Hungary’s ice cream of the year and where you can taste it
This year, the winner flavour is a classy and delicious combination of chocolate, chilli, and blackberry.
One of the sweetest competitions in Hungary is when the National Trade-Corporation of Hungarian Confectioners chooses the country’s winning ice-cream flavour of the year. The dessert usually becomes the summer’s most sought-after flavour. The competition was first organised in 1998, and it held its final on Monday in Budapest.
We can say that ice cream has quite the tradition in Hungary. Both the capital and Lake Balaton are full of ice-cream shops and confectionery shops offering you the best of the best.
Best ice-cream spots of Budapest.
All ice-creams seeking to be the best
need to be made with natural base ingredients and additional ingredients complemented strictly with homemade sauces and toppings.
The competition aims to popularize classical and traditional hand-made ice-creams of good quality.
This year, Békéscsaba confectioner
Gergő Fehér created the most delicious combination using chocolate, chilli, and blackberry.
Gergő Fehér represents Cafe One from Békéscsaba. (21, Andrássy út, Békéscsaba, 5600)
His winning creation is called Bíborka. The name both refers to a Hungarian female name, while it also gives away the colour of the ice cream, as bíbor is the purple-red colour of the blackberry.
“I prepared Bíborka with local ingredients. Our factory is in Szabadkígyós, which is where the chilli comes from, and the blackberry was kind of given as we talk about fruity ice cream. These two complemented with chocolate simply give a very delicious mixture. It has been sold in our café for a while now”, quotes the winner Gergő’s words
Of course, let us not forget about the second and the third places, as both flavours are equally delicious and surprising.
The silver medal goes to Andrea Koncz from Sissi Fagyizó in Gödöllő. Her creation has a twist in it, as the base is a creamy goat cheese ice cream mixed with roast blueberries. It was so delicious, that her dessert was also chosen as the favourite of the audience.
And finally, the third place belongs to Brigitta Márton from Bagaméri Fagylaltozó in Balatonfüred. Her ice cream has a silky, sweet, sour cream base complemented with a Cumberland sauce.
Budapest’ most creative ice creams
There was a special category in honour of the One With Nature – World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition, organised in Hungary this Autumn. The winner of the category “flavours of the forest and the meadow” is László Nagy from Marcipán Confectionery in Dunalföldvár. The winning mixture involves rosemary, chocolate, and raspberry.
Altogether, 81 ice-cream flavours were nominated for the title of the best, from which 20 made it into Monday’s final, writes
Due to the pandemic, as last year as well, this year’s final was organised in a special way. László Selmeczi, manager of the National Trade-Corporation of Hungarian Confectioners hopes that in 2022 they will be able to have the event in a festival style.