Tucker Carlson from Fox News in Esztergom: US not freer than Hungary!

The United States “is the greatest country in the world — I will always think that — but don’t tell me it’s freer than Hungary cause that’s a lie,” Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson said in Esztergom on Saturday.

In a speech he gave at MCC Fest, an event organised by Mathias Corvinus Collegium, he said critics of

the political mainstream in the US were subjected to physical threats and censorship.

He condemned those that “lecture” Hungary, adding that the elections in Hungary had been free and fair, and the media was more balanced than in the US.

He said Hungary offered an example to others in terms of cleanliness, order, the openness of society, the lack of crime and border control. He added that

Hungary’s government had good reason to be proud of its

work and its citizens had every reason to be thankful.


  1. he is very correct on many things ,
    why have not you tube banned him ,
    they just shut down Australian sky news , for the same thing ,
    it is a facist dictator ship ,
    run by you tube and google et al

  2. Tucker’s insight into very many issues is overwhelmingly spot on, and it is unfailingly thought provoking.
    His comments last week about Hungary were educative.
    The issue about Orbán is not whether or not he is perfect, but that he, his thoughts, striving all are tendentiously misrepresented and in a wholesale fashion in the Western media. Tucker corrected that.
    It would be great to be able to see/listen to his Esztergom speech, but WHERE? Any advice?

  3. Tucker’s insight into very many issues is overwhelmingly spot on, and it is unfailingly thought provoking.
    His comments last week about Hungary were educative.
    The issue about Orbán is not whether or not he is perfect, but that he, his thoughts, striving all are tendentiously misrepresented and in a wholesale fashion in the Western media. Tucker corrected that.

    It would be great to be able to see/listen to his Esztergom speech, but WHERE? Any advice?

  4. Tucker Carlson is a sad joke. MCC welcoming him is just plain pathetic. Anyone who has listened to this clown, knows he is an ignorant propagandist, not a journalist. One wonders what the future of Hungarian universities will be.

  5. Please explain your definition of for – right wing – vs
    Conservative ???????
    More than half the US is conservative-
    The US is being destroyed by the left wing nut jobs.
    Open southern border with 100s of COVID positive being bused and flown throughout the country , is just one example while demanding restrictions on the rest of the country. Military training troops CRT that main target white European desendents.

  6. Wallpaper on this “individuals” mobile – is that Kim – Jong – un ???
    Dangerous individual but American he is – and his self opiniated beliefs – the platform of Politics he PREACHES – the country of his birth would enjoy in mass millions what comes out of his Mouth.
    Is he a modern day – Dr. Billy Graham ?
    Tucker – loves the podium to preach – HIS – Evangelical – MESSAGE.
    Tucker – deliberately removes – may not have the intellectual capacity to understand what the PLATFORM of Life – politics and other – that Dr. Billy Graham – “preached” to the World.
    Was he given the number 1 Ticket Holders nomination by the Fidesz Party ?
    The DAMAGED image Globally – that continues to be the position Hungary finds itself – has been further – GLOBALLY – “scared” and “battered” by this individuals visit to Hungary.
    That large global microscope on Hungary – just continues to intensify the DISCOVERIES – it is making on the POLITICAL agenda – being practiced and developed by the present Fidesz Party – Government of Hungary.
    The propaganda machine – political “spin” of the Fidesz Party – it will stop at no end – to use POWER – by any means – in it’s endeavor’s – to ensure – the continuation of its Governance of Hungary.
    National Elections May 2022 – without a shadow of doubt the most vital important elections nationally held in Hungary since 1989 – the year of “supposed” – Democracy in Hungary.
    Freedom – Liberty and of our personal Choice and say – in the way We – as citizens see and wish Hungary of the Future ?

  7. Very good interview and well done Hungary. Hungary should be an example of moderation to the USA and to Brussels.

  8. What do some Hungarians want? Open borders? Ghetto cities? multiculturism does not work…stronger culture will always prevail…Do you want to be come a Muslim country? Have you seen what welfare a free money has done to American cities? France is close to a revolution…only idiots would want this…Marxists are mentally ill…..Orban is not perfect and is probably a bit corrupt…all of them are…but Europe would be a lot worse off than without him…America is heading for disaster with Uncle brain dead Joe….

  9. Does he mean that Hungary isn’t freer than the United States because his party is trying to steal its democracy too?

  10. Just listened to that so called “speech” in Esztergom. Awful man, stopped listening after five minutes. The rantings of another lunatic who’s only too happy to hear the sound of his own voice. Nothing more than someone brought in to help brainwash those a bit more for next year’s elections. As NotOrbanEither said, nothing more than a rabble rouser and as Not a Tucker
    Fan said, always talking out of his posterior. Does show one thing though, doubts must be on Orbán’s mind to have to bring someone in to do this.

  11. Shame about Carlson’s misguided popularity, but as someone said, there’s no accounting for taste. Viktor Orban is feeling the pressure! I hope the opposition bring someone in to speak on their behalf too.

  12. He’s only good for a hair dye advert. Inject some more bleach Carlson, that’ll sort you out good and proper, a particularly strong one should do the trick. Another narcissist. His downfall will be spectacular I think.

  13. It is interesting how intolerant are most of the commentators. Instead of analyzing the content they personally attack the speaker. Bob, Mario, Anonymous, Bea, NotOrban, Caritas, Anna, Not OrbanEither, NotaTuckerFan never heard of the word “debate” As long as the above mentioned only take pot shot at a speaker’s character, their comments are totally useless and their comments expose their lack of cognitive process.
    The question these naysayers should ask “Is Hungary and Hungarians better of under the Orban Administration than under the Socialist Administration prior to 2010” The answer is YES! The country is not on the brink of bankruptcy, individual wealth increased, unemployment is at historic low.
    Anyone that cannot appreciate these positive facts is not a well wisher of Hungary and Hungarians.
    Mr. Carlson is a well respected “Conservative” commentator who has never been accused of lying, unlike, many left wing socialist commentators of US media CNN and MSNBC.

  14. Maria, who exactly is better off under the current Viktatorship? His cronies/family? Sure, they’re rolling in it. Bigoted people like yourself? Sure, you get to get off on hating LGBTQ+ Hungarians and imaginary migrants. However, the rest of us are worse off. We get to be scapegoated and compete in an unfair market; while our democracy is slowly being stolen, our country lost to extremists, and our reputation degraded around the free world.

  15. The Hungarian populace should feel secure that their culture, history, and interests are strongly voiced by their leadership in the face of intrusions by the Soros back globalists, internationalists in Brussel. Carlson is simply point out the obvious.

  16. To Maria Von Theresa. It’s after analysing the content that those you listed come to the same conclusion. If he’d been against Fidesz you’d have been the first to say “he should keep his comments to himself. He knows nothing of the Hungarian political system and should concentrate on America instead of forming misguided opinions on politics outside his own country”.
    Individual wealth has increased for the wealthy; due to the new contracts healthcare staff are down by 5,000; prices have gone up and yet salaries have not and after reading Mr Matolcsy’s analysis of a possible global economic crisis, they aren’t too favourable of the government.
    As for lying, Fox News recently admitted that Carlson is not always accurate when he discusses the news on television.

  17. Salaries increased 84% in Hungary since 2010. The data is available on Wikipedia. One wonders how people lived under the socialist regime. Prior 2010, the country was on the verge of bankruptcy, the interest on debt was higher than the GDP. Why would anyone support a socialist administration that sold all profitable factories to foreigners, who in turn closed the facility and exported production. Poverty and unemployment were the rules of the day under the socialist. People should always learn from history because history will repeat itself if lessons not learned. The socialist, ex-communist, rightwing and leftwing extremists coalition’s aim is to surrender sovereignty to Brussels and foreign globalist. If the many critics think you have it bad now wait until the socialist ruin your country once more and unemployment reigns supreme. Yes, I am definitely anti illegal immigration. Anyone who does not respects your laws by entering illegally will not respect your laws while in your country. Avenues for legal immigration are available and were always available through Consulates. No one mentions the legal route. Does anyone of you remember the garbage that was left after the illegals exit or that all the soil around Keleti station had to be sterilized because of bacterial count? No Western European Country benefited so far from the mass illegal immigration, and crime is up and so is the support cost. No reasonable person is against LGBT members, they should always be supported. It is not a frivolous choice. However, it is the parents’ right to bring-up and educate their children. Ethics and moral standard should be the parents responsibility. Yes, the standard of living is up in Hungary. The number of Hungarians travelling abroad, own homes, cars, etc. is certainly up from 2010 (check statistics). People are free to voice their opinions pro or anti government. Gone are the years where people voicing anti government sentiments just disappeared. Hungary is for Hungarians. It is up to the people to make success of their lovely country. My opinions probably do not matter, not yours, unless you live in the country and contribute to the well being of the population. Positive attitude can and does make a difference. I wish all the success to the people of Hungary and with the inherent talent of the people the country can become a Garden of Eden.

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