Winter is coming: here is when snow arrives to Hungary

Based on the latest weather forecast, the chance of the arrival of an extended anticyclone bringing extreme cold has increased significantly. According to the forecasts, it will get into Hungary from the Northeast and reach the country in the middle of next week. It may also bring snow.

On Thursday, a moderate cold front will sweep through Hungary, but will not cause considerable weather change, reported. However, the clouds disappear thanks to it, and after several days we could experience how refreshing the autumn sunshine can be, wrote.

However, due to the lack of cloud cover, nights will cool down significantly in the following days. As a result, frosts will appear in multiple places in Hungary during the mornings. That is, of course, not something unexpected in November at this latitude. Meanwhile, in Western Europe, the weather will be mild, which is unusual there considering the season.

Lillafüred_Hunguest Hotel Palota_winter
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On the weekend, an intensive anticyclone will appear near the European seashore of the Atlantic Ocean. That will bring mild air from North Africa to the continent’s centre. In high altitudes, the air may be 10-12 degrees warmer than usual. That will create extensive fog on the ground in Central Europe. In Western Europe, there will be no mist because of the strong winds. Therefore, in the Western part of the continent, the temperature may exceed even 15-20 degrees by next week.

From next Wednesday, a vast anticyclone will move towards the North bringing cold air from the Northeast to Hungary. That may result in snow flurries in Hungary, in the higher parts of the Northeast. Therefore, the weather will turn wintery in Central Europe next week.

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  1. Snow has one good result. People stay at home with loved ones & do family activities, save money for utilities rather than squandering on entertainment or eating/drinking out. So the more snow the better for families. Statistically students do better in colder snowier winters if they have responsible parental upbringing & support. So a win win.

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