Fuel prices half-year low in Hungary

Fuel prices continue to decrease in Hungary for those who cannot buy gasoline and diesel for the government’s capped prices. Meanwhile, the price cap scheme will remain. Private owners having a Hungarian license plate can fill their tanks for 480 HUF per litre. That is why while Europe’s fuel consumption reduces, that figure in Hungary grows.

Gasoline prices decreased by HUF 11, while that sum is HUF 13 in the case of diesel, holtankoljak.hu wrote.

The current market prices in Hungary are the following:

Gasoline type 95: HUF 627/l (EUR 1.54)
Diesel: HUF 692/l (EUR 1.70)

That means fuel prices reached a half-year low in Hungary today. Gasoline and diesel cost that much for the last time this May, portfolio.hu said.

MOL petrol station
Read alsoHungary’s price caps put immense pressure on petrol stations

Source: holtankoljak.hu, portfolio.hu

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