Spending EUR 38 million on Budapest firework irresponsible waste of money, opposition says

The opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) has criticised the HUF 15 billion (EUR 37.9 million) earmarked by the government to be spent on the 20 August firework display.

EUR millions for Budapest fireworks

“The fireworks show is an important tradition and a good holiday programme for families, but spending this much on it is an irresponsible waste of money,” the party’s spokesman said on Saturday.

Balázs Barkóczi told an online press conference that he agreed that the 20 August celebrations of the foundation of the Hungarian state were one of the most important events for the country “this amount of money cannot be spent when the state is otherwise defunct in practically all areas of life.” He pointed out inadequate air conditioning in hospitals causing postponement of surgeries, financial difficulties of thousands of families with the school-start for their children and cuts in the central budget affecting the financing of public transport.

Barkóczi said that part of the HUF 15 billion should be spent to remedy those problems.

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  1. Michael Steiner comment please.
    Validation of the correctness of your Fidesz Party, under the “immortal” as you commentate Victor Mihaly. Orban, there RIGHT, to outlay tax payers money for these Fireworks to this “reported” amount.
    Hungary, under a Government of 15 years that have caused the CHAOS we now as a country are in.
    Validate it Michael Steiner.

  2. If the people of Hungary wanted socialist opposition government, they would have voted for one. That should give a clue to wife abuser Peter. After a hard year Hungarians have the right to throw a celebration for the patriotic Hungarian people; celebrate the fact that the EU dictatorship was kept out of the country. The cost is peanuts comparted to what Gyurcsany wasted when he sold the country down the drains.

    Hungary, work on leaving the EU and becoming a neutral nation like Switzerland.

  3. @mariavontheresa … You do know that Switzerland is a net contributor to the EU? And has numerous arrangements with the EU?



    Obviously – we could go the Brexit route! The most significant act of economic self harm by any country in living memory. Please do list the various benefits, since nobody else appears to be able to (including the Brexiteers – other than “Sovereignty!”).

    Lastly – our Politicians are not paying for the fireworks from their own money or from the pile of cash of the Hungarian State. We are BORROWING the funds to do these things at significant interest expense. And then we borrow more money to pay the interest, etc. Not repaying the principal. Great concept!

  4. “Clutching at Straws” – are commentators mariavontheresa and Michael Steiner.
    Orban – the Fidesz Government have COLLAPSED us – Hungary.

  5. Norbert and Lost in Space – in a Time Warp : I guess you begrudge Hungarian people joy, all celebrations and happiness. Since you are both terribly unhappy, thank the Gods above that allow you to leave the country and live in any of the socialist EU. There is no reason for you to live amongst people that you hate.

  6. Moderator: Steiner’s comment above referring to dissenters as ‘commie scum’ and telling them to F.O. is entirely unacceptable. We can have political differences and air them in a civilised manner but labelling such people ‘scum’ and swearing at them is beyond the pale.

    • Dear Londonsteve, thank you for your remark, you are right, we deleted the comment. Thank you for reading us.

  7. Hungary can afford fireworks, but has to depend on the EU to pay teachers. Does anyone else see a twisted priority within Fidesz? Thank God the EU is there for Hungary.
    Fidesz offers circuses to keep the drooling masses in line.

  8. Mariavonwhatever, why the Austrian moniker and the Russian love? Do you like seeing Hungarians in chains?
    And why would any Fidesz Hungarian “christian” want to “thank the Gods above”, as you stated? Christianity is a monotheistic religion.

  9. @mariavontheresa – I believe in responsible spending so that we do not burden the next generations with crippling debt. If that makes sense? So.

    Also- if we would have this borrowed money burning a hole in our pockets, faced with the choice of throwing a big fireworks or fitting ACs in our hospitals to allow for tolerable working conditions and comfort of patients … I choose the latter.

  10. So who came up with this amount of money ?? Who says it did cost 38 millions euros? When in 2022 it was 4.1 million the show did not go up with 34 million ?? Can someone please explain .Also how many people where there how much money did the put back in the economy?? Hear the left always screaming, but never come out with facts or real numbers ..

  11. @ronalddusseldorf – Very good call! Here is the breakdown, so the article is misleading in the sense that the pricetag is not “just” the fireworks (which come out at around EUR 4.5 million). In large part, the spiraling cost is due to the fact that our annual celebration is now a four day event:


    You will, however, be happy to read that the money IS going back into the economy and funneled to the usual deserving individuals (it´s good to be a NER Knight!).

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