Horrific: Over Sixty Thousand Hungarians Moved To Germany In 2013

According to the information provided by the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) 58 993 Hungarian immigrants were registered to enter Germany in 2013. This means 7,6% increase compared to 54 827 of the first quarter of 2012. Hungary occupies fifth position in the immigration chart.

Even though immigration records clearly show that the German labor market is very attractive to many Hungarians, Destatis also states that 789,000 Germans have left their country during the same period of time. Based on this information in 2013 34 681 German immigrants have entered Hungary; a year earlier the number was 28 619.

Records and new figures showed that immigration to Germany in 2013 is highest in twenty years. Over the last year 1,226,000 people have moved to Germany.

based on article of origo.hu
translated by Ekaterina Egorova

Photo: szeged.hu

Source: http://origo.hu/

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