A beautiful message to Hungary from the tourism industry – VIDEO

The Hungarian Tourism Agency has published a short touristic campaign film to spread an important message: take care of each other, and we will make it. The video aims to focus people’s attention on unity and togetherness in these difficult times.

Sokszínű Vidék shared the one-minute long video that has an encouraging message: if we take care of each other, we will overcome this difficult situation, referring to the current coronavirus pandemic.


The video starts with showing popular places all over the country during the pandemic, empty and deserted. Then, it switches to clips of people being together, happy and having fun while Visszajövök by Bagossy Brothers is playing in the background. The video will be broadcasted on national television, and various social media platforms as well.

The video wants you to remember not to give up hope because we WILL make it together. There is NO difficult situation we cannot overcome together. The video also addresses people working in the tourism sector, reminding them that things WILL go back to normal, and the industry WILL flourish once more.

Once this is all over, we are all going to revisit our beloved domestic sights. Hence, the #iwillreturn at the end. Until then, the most important thing for us to do is taking care of each other.

CEO Zoltán Guller from the Hungarian Tourism Agency said:

“Back in February, we thought that our campaigns would be about encouraging people to discover domestic sights and their hidden gems and wonders. Everything has changed since then. It is not enough to start a new chapter; we have to write a whole new book.”

Source: www.sokszinuvidek.24.hu; YouTube

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