A cargo ship collided with an iconic bridge in Budapest

A cargo ship has collided with the Margaret Bridge in Budapest. The ship continued on its way and docked nearby.

A cargo ship collided with a pillar of the Margaret Bridge on Tuesday morning, a spokesman for the Budapest Emergency Management Directorate told MTI. MĂ¡tĂ© Kisdi said, “the barge of a cargo ship carrying iron ore collided ‘tangentially’ with one of the pillars”. The ship remained manoeuvrable and continued south, looking for a mooring point near Csepel Island.

The accident was most likely due to fog, for which the National Meteorological Service has issued a first-level, lemon-yellow warning. Any damage to the vessel and the bridge pier will be reported later, writes hvg.hu.

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  1. If this was the case similarities to Hungary at the time captainless and no crew just continuing to run a course that will end in a cataclysmic gargantuan disaster.the ship captainless and without a crew ? Was

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