AccuWeather’s exciting forecast: here is when snow will arrive in Budapest
AccuWeather shared when snow will arrive in Budapest and added there would be snowing for two consecutive days in the country’s astonishing capital. We’ll continue with the details below.
Budapest is astonishing in all four seasons, but winter is an especially good choice for coming here. First, there are baths and pools where everybody can relax and find refreshments for both spirit and body. Second, we have to mention the Christmas markets in the capital. Some of them opened last week and even though the price rise compared to 2021 is significant, the experience is unrivalled.
Third, multiple ice rinks help to preserve your fitness even when temperatures are low. Some of them are in the most spectacular downtown areas. One is near the Danube River, while another is in front of the Vajdahunyad Castle in the City Park Ice Rink. The Travel magazine chose the latter as one of the world’s best.
Of course, the top of all is if you can spend a day in snowfall in the romantic Budapest downtown or the Buda Castle and you may have a chance to do that soon.
Read alsoPHOTOS: Budapest’s City Park Ice Rink chosen one of the world’s best
According to the latest forecast from AccuWeather, snow will arrive in Budapest in weeks, and it will fall for two days consecutively. One of the biggest forecast websites said Budapest would see this year’s first snow on 22 and 23 December. Thus, we may have the long-desired white Christmas this year in Hungary.
They added temperatures would be between -4 and +2 °C on Christmas Eve, said.
If there is ice on St Martin’s Day, Christmas will be muddy, the Hungarian folklore tells about winter, snow and Christmas.
Nők Lapja Café said that on Wednesday morning that the snow layer in Hungary’s Western and Northeastern mountainous regions might reach 20 cm. Wednesday will be a rainy day everywhere in Hungary, but snow is expected only in the high mountains of Alpokalja, Bakony and the North Hungarian Mountains (Északi-középhegység). The greatest snowfall will probably be in the Sopron and Kőszeg mountains, so they recommended to check out THIS webcam regularly.
Read alsoExpect no sun and chilly dawns next week in Hungary – weather forecast
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Get ride of the horrible stadium lighting at city park ice rink- one of the most beautiful places in Budapest. The amount of electricity saved would pay for the restoration and really bring back the romance.
Any forecast beyond three days is virtually meaningless, much less four weeks away.
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