You would never believe how huge the gender pay gap is in Hungarian Tesco!

In 2017, Tesco made a report regarding diversity and gender pay gap within the corporation. This report has been mandatory in the United Kingdom since 2019. Recently, the British multinational corporation has decided to follow the original idea in three other countries, including Hungary, besides the neighbouring Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Although Spar has recently announced that there is no difference between the salaries of its male and female workers and that it supports equal pay, Tesco’s report is one of a kind, being the first in Hungary that dedicates a segment to the gender pay gap phenomenon, reported.
The average gender pay gap in the European Union is 14.1%, and it is 18.2% in Hungary. At Tesco, the gap is an astounding 15%.
This gap, however, is the consequence of different jobs of male and female employees. For instance, there are certain departments, such as IT and finances, where the employees are predominantly male. Also, men are more likely to work overtime or take up night shifts. The report has furthermore shed light on some other interesting data.
There are five generations working at Tesco, aged 18-77, and middle-aged employees are overrepresented. 57% of employees have been working at Tesco for more than a decade, representing 21 different nationalities among the staff. 51% of employees take care either of their children or their parents, 18% have health issues, and 67% of all employees are women.
“In 2021, women in the EU are making 14.1% less money than men,” reports
The portal also found out that the European Commission made a proposal to combat the gender pay gap issue. It states that employers have to inform job applicants about the wages in the job advertisement or during the job interview. Moreover, employers who have over 250 employees will have to give information about the gender pay gap in the future. Furthermore, employees who are discriminated in terms of wages will be able to get compensation. If new rules are accepted by the EU, member states will have to implement them within 2 years.
Hvg also writes that
“the European Commission estimates that improving gender equality by 2050 could increase EU GDP by €2-3 billion. According to the World Economic Forum, equal pay for men and women will be achieved everywhere in the world in 257 years.”
Source: Forbes,
The legal case currently in progress in the UK is to do with another supermarket giant specifically about gender pay gap. This will set a precedent in law. So far the women have won round one. Google it – ASDA Supreme Court EqualPay.
There is absolutely no reason for a persons gender to cause them to be paid less than a man for the same job. The Hungarian government and the EU should mandate that pay should be equal for equal jobs. It is absolutely wrong that women get paid at a lower rate than their male counterparts if they are in the same job category.
Except they are not doing the same job. Maybe you should do some research on the gender pay gap to find out exactly what it is about. It’s not about women getting paid less than men for the same job but more about men doing jobs that women don’t generally apply for due to the nature of such job. These jobs are usually paid more due to the increased risk to the individual doing them. Wanna close the gender pay gap? Have women do the jobs that men predominantly do.
They will be demanding CRT training soon.
It’s already required in the military in the US.
Shocking – women’s football players make less than males millions of dollars. The US champion ship the women won. Later they played a team of 15 year old boys and lost.
If the women do not want to do the same work as men then they should not complain about pay being more for men. Women, if you want to earn more apply for the more difficult and more technical type jobs, work hard and stop your whining. No employer owes you anything if you do not bring something to the employer that increases profits and productivity to the employer.
A male chauvinist pig and ignorant de facto.Go back to the dark ages.
regarding ,,,diversity ,,and gender pay gap within the corporation. This report has been mandatory in the United Kingdom since 2019.
in the uk yes ,
good we do not need diversity here in Hungary ,
we care about protecting our own culture ,
and not importing ,African ,,RIOTS ,,AND LOOTING ,
Novak has told women to stay at home to raise a family. Doesn’t really help with equal opportunities.
If you had a company and you could employ women and pay them 15% less than a man without any loss in efficiency then why does any company employ men?