Balcony-gate: UNESCO committee to investigate the construction
According to, UNESCO wants to investigate whether or not the reconstruction of the Buda Castle goes against World Heritage rules with a committee. Együtt wants to hear about the construction licence.
RTL Klub found out from the international organisation that a UNESCO committee will investigate whether or not the planned 100 m2 balcony was built to the Karmelita Monastery by line and level.
As it has been previously reported, the Buda Castle and the Daube view is part of UNESCO’S World Heritage sites, which means that the organisation has to approve of any type of change concerning the place. But the Prime Minister’s Office only asked and got permission for condition safekeeping; however, they want to attach a completely new balcony to the building, which will be the place for the Prime Minister’s offices.
UNESCO claims that they will investigate whether or not the reconstruction goes against World Heritage rules.
Since Nándor Csepreghy, Deputy Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office previously stated that they got all permission for the construction, Együtt said that they turn to the Prime Minister’s Office with an information request of general interest concerning these permissions. They claim that, if they don’t get the documents, they’ll bring a suit against them.
Copy editor: bm