These are the best Hungarian universities and colleges for 2017

According to, Eötvös Loránd Science University’s Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Science, and Semmelweis University’s Faculty of Medicine is in the lead on HVG’s newest higher education list.

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) won back its leading place on HVG’s higher education ranking list. It is in the first place on the list, which is based on professor and student excellence, thus passing the University of Szeged, University of Pécs and Semmeweis University. Moreover, ELTE’s Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Science is tied in the lead with Semmelweis’s Faculty of Medicine on the 2017 ranking list of faculties.

Several faculties of humanities and medicine have made it into the top 10 list of university and college faculties. Besides the Faculty of Humanities in Pécs and Szeged, Pázmány Péter Catholic University’s Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences also finished in great places, just like the medical faculties of Debrecen, Pécs and Szeged, and Budapest University of Technology and Economics’ Faculty of Natural Sciences.

The top 10 university and college faculties (their places concerning professor and student excellency are in brackets):

  1. Eötvös Loránd Science University – Faculty of Humanities (13. and 3.) – tie
  2. Eötvös Loránd Science University – Faculty of Science (6. and 10.) – tie
  3. Semmelweis University – Faculty of Medicine (8. and 8.) – tie
  4. University of Szeged – Faculty of Humanities (2. and 30.)
  5. University of Pécs – Faculty of Humanities (3. and 30.)
  6. University of Debrecen – Faculty of Medicine (14. and 20.)
  7. Pázmány Péter Catholic University – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (15. and 23.) – tie
  8. University of Szeged – Faculty of Medicine (10. and 28.) – tie
  9. Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Faculty of Natural Sciences (1. and 39.)
  10. University of Pécs – Faculty of Medicine (20. and 24.)

The list is based on student and professor rankings. The creators of the list took into consideration the number of students at the universities, the number and rate of professors with academic degree, the number of students who fall onto professors with academic degree, and the rate of professors with MTA (Hungarian Academy of Science) titles. They also looked into the number of students who chose the university as their first option when applying, the average score of those who were accepted, the number and type of language exams students had, and the number of students who had excellent rankings during their high school years in different competitions.

Student excellence

It is a visible tendency that the aggregated winner is never in the first place concerning student and professor excellency. It turned out that the most excellent students are still at Corvinus University of Budapest on both institutional and faculty levels, even though not many get state scholarship in the field of economic science.

Corvinus is followed by Budapest University of Technology and Economics’ Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, and Eötvös Loránd University’s faculty of Humanities. The analysis points out an interesting tendency: the majority of the most skilled students study at the universities of Budapest.

Professor excellence

When it comes to the excellence of professors, Budapest University of Technology and Economics’ Faculty of Natural Sciences is in the lead, followed by University of Szeged’s Faculty of Humanities and University of Pécs’s Faculty of Humanities.


Copy editor: bm



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