These are the best primary schools of Budapest has ranked the primary schools of Budapest based on the results of the standardized national competence tests which evaluate students’ skills in mathematics and reading comprehension, writes. Here are the best primary schools of Budapest.

The primary schools of Budapest have been ranked based on the results of the 2015 national competence tests for 8th graders. The list does not include 6 and 8-grade secondary school classes, since these students are assessed through the admission process.

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Based on the results of 8th graders, the averages of the national competence tests were 1618 points in mathematics and 1567 points in reading comprehension. Schools with higher scores are above, while schools with lower points are below the national average. The full list and rankings can be found on, where it is emphasized that this method of school evaluation is one of many possible methods.

The 10 best primary schools of Budapest:
  1. Virányos Általános Iskola (Virányos Primary School)
  2. Zuglói Hajós Alfréd Magyar-Német Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola (Hajós Alfréd Hungarian-German Dual Language Primary School)
  3. Budapest IV. Kerületi Babits Mihály Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola és Gimnázium Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola (Babits Mihály Hungarian-English Dual Language Primary and Secondary School, Hungarian-English Dual Language Primary School)
  4. Városmajori Gimnázium és Kós Károly Általános Iskola Ének-zene Tagozatos Általános Iskolája (Music Primary School of the Városmajori Secondary School and Kós Károly Primary School)
  5. Óbudai Harrer Pál Általános Iskola (Harrer Pál Primary School, Óbuda)
  6. Bornemisza Péter Gimnázium, Általános Iskola, Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola és Sportiskola (Bornemisza Péter Secondary School, Primary School, Art and Sports School)
  7. Zugligeti Általános Iskola (Zugligeti Primary School)
  8. Budapest XVIII. Kerületi Vörösmarty Mihály Ének-zenei, Nyelvi Általános Iskola és Gimnázium (Vörösmarty Mihály Primary and Secondary School)
  9. Jókai Mór Német Nemzetiségi Általános Iskola (Jókai Mór Primary School)
  10. Testnevelési Egyetem Gyakorló Sportiskolai Általános Iskola és Gimnázium (University of Physical Education Primary and Secondary Sports School)


ce: bm

Source: penzcentrum,

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