Bid seeking recognition of Szeklers as native ethnic group ‘dangerous’, says deputy PM

Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén has labelled a voter initiative seeking the recognition of the Szekler people as an ethnic group independent of the Hungarian nation as “harmful and dangerous”.
“Szeklers are Hungarians” and “by the logic of this initiative” Hungarians could further be divided into various other ethnic groups, Semjén told MTI on Monday, emphasising his opposition to the bid.
The initiative was either submitted “with good intentions” and “based on total incompetence” or “motivated by something worse”, Semjén said, noting that Romanian politics “has long desired to declare” that neither the Csangos nor the Szeklers are Hungarians.
He said the bid went against both “historical reality” and Hungary’s national interests.
Hungary’s National Election Committee (NVB) approved the initiative on July 25. From then, the petitioner has 120 days to collect 1,000 supporting signatures for the bid, which will then be reviewed by the National Election Office (NVI). If the signatures are approved, the NVB will seek an opinion on the initiative from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The NVB will then submit the initiative together with the supporting signatures and the Academy’s opinion to parliament for a vote.
Photo: MTI
Source: MTI
Semjén is correct. There is something bad going on when you can fool a bunch of people in believing that they are not who they really are. Has Hero’s square been at all acknowledged here? We’ll if the clown who started this is convincing enough, i wonder if they convince the government to pull all their citizenships next, NOT!! Folk’s this is someones fairytale, and we can see which so called country it is being started in.
[…] Vicepremierul ungar Zsolt Semjen a calificat drept "daunatoare si periculoasa" o initiativa care propunere recunoasterea secuilor drept un grup etnic independent de natiunea ungara, scrie […]
[…] Vicepremierul ungar Zsolt Semjen a calificat drept "daunatoare si periculoasa" o initiativa care propunere recunoasterea secuilor drept un grup etnic independent de natiunea ungara, scrie […]
OMG! OMG! Pingbacks!!!!!!
Two Romanian news agencies are running with what they now think is a HOT story, LMFAO!!!!
Do these shoeshiners groups thinks that there is a threat to the Szekler automomy now???
Do they think Hungarians and the world of genetic science can be fooled for a minute while the current mafia horde Roma government thinks their next move. All because the Deputy Prime Minister made a note, that this move was not in the Szekler interest????
Good luck with that! After a few thousand years, Hungarian still know their history and origin, unlike some neighbours. Usually the grumpy ones getting their hopes up high about now, still LMFAO!!!!!! “HOT NEWS in Romania”
[…] care propunere recunoasterea secuilor drept un grup etnic independent de natiunea ungara, scrie „Secuii sunt ungari” iar prin logica acestei initiative ungurii ar putea fi impartiti […]