Brand-new exclusive restaurant chain opens in Budapest – PHOTOS

Under the brand name of Kantin, Albatros Catering with the cooperation of Pastel Restaurant opens up a brand-new office restaurant chain in Budapest. Their first restaurant in the Advance Tower of Váci Street opened last year, and more restaurants are to follow this one.
Portfólió reported that the market for office buildings will face many significant changes in Budapest. Due to the growing economy, the need for more expensive and exclusive office buildings increased, and it seems necessary to also broaden their services with exclusive opportunities.

The unemployment rate resulted in creating a new PR method which showed that offices with a modern environment and exclusive facilities are more popular than regular ones.

Restaurants and cafés were also faced with this fact, and many chains moved into the office buildings to be closer to employees. Restaurants noticed that the usual menus and catering are no longer satisfying for young employees from generations Z and Y, which is why many of these facilities take up exclusive services in Budapest.

The first restaurant of Kantin opened in 43 Váci Street during the summer of 2019, and this year, another four are planned to be operated in the capital.

The brand Kantin does not compete with other restaurants with its prices but with the exclusive services and modern environment. All of the meals are made from excellent ingredients and aim to serve businesspeople who are in a rush as well as those who have time to have a nice meal with their colleagues.

Besides the offered meals, the restaurant also makes coffee and prepares vegetarian and traditional Hungarian food.

In the last three years, the number of modern office buildings in Budapest increased by 20%, which means another 3.6 million square metres in the city, with even more to be opened in the near future.
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