Budapest’s downtown district bans strip bars

Péter Niedermüller, the Democratic Coalition mayor of Budapest’s 7th district, Elizabethtown (Erzsébetváros), will ban the operation of strip bars because they give space for committing crimes like abuse and exploitation.

Mr Niedermüller announced the local council’s decision in a Facebook post, saying that the ban will be applied to all bars, gentlemen’s clubs, etc that offer live erotic entertainment services. The mayor added that the relevant laws give power to the general assembly of the condominiums to ban such activities. However, in practice, that is not enough, the mayor believes.

Budapest strip bars bachelor party

Strip bars have time until May to choose

Therefore, the local council decided to allow bars and other places to remain open after midnight only if they do not offer live erotic entertainment services or shows. According to the mayor, everybody can decide whether to shut their place or end such services. The local government added that the new regulation would come into force on 31 May.

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  1. Gods forbid that consenting adults indulge in some harmless entertainment while bothering nobody else.

    What a schmuck Niedermueller is. Total loser… – par for the course for the Left, though.

    • Surely this is squarely in line with the government’s agenda to protect families? It’s hard to raise a family when there’s an erotic bar on the ground floor of the block, attracting leering, inebriated men at all hours of the morning. I believe in empowering district mayor’s to choose the sort of establishments they’re willing to accept in their district and we can all agree that erotic bars are neither desirable, nor conducive to raising a family in healthy environs.

      If the Pride parade is unacceptable in Budapest today then the same goes for establishments offering sexual entertainment. Not to mention the fact that Pride is a one-off daytime event, whereas these establishments ply their trade every night, virtually 365 days of the year. The majority are rip-off joints that serve to destroy the city’s reputation where patrons are scammed out of sometimes over 1 million Ft when settling the bill. Their days are numbered.

      • ^ Typical liberal “logic” on display right there.

        How on earth is something that goes on discreetly, behind closed doors, accessible only to adults, in any way comparable to ostentatiously marching down some of the principal thoroughfares in the capital city, shoving it in everybody’s face?!?!?!?

  2. Those places used the fact they provide that “service” (like one girl with clothes dancing on a poll on the bar, in some of the more shady ones) to charge 10-20 times the price of drinks and employed ladies to luor men into it and order drinks while keeping them busy until the check comes and then charged (in some cases) millions of HUF in several charges of the drunk men’s credit cards – usually this was done to tourists, but one local foreigner, after that complained to the police and got the whole ring of criminals captured – you’re welcome…

  3. Yes, that was well known. The solution would be to deal with the criminals, not shut down the whole industry.

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