Budapest is the most popular travel destination in the world!

Budapest is one of the most beautiful cities in the world thanks to its perfect location on the two bends of the Danube, its rich history, the cultural programs it offers for everybody, and a great variety of cosy restaurants and bars. But even experts were surprised that, this fall, Budapest became the most popular travel destination preceding even London and Vienna.
Budapest precedes even London and Paris
According to, London has been on the top of favourite travel destination lists for years. However, this autumn and winter, Budapest preceded it, which the Hungarian tabloid regards a considerable success.
Moreover, currently,
the Hungarian capital towers over its British and Austrian counterparts.
Based on the data, most people plan to come to Budapest from Russia and the United Kingdom. They spend here 1-3 days, mostly a long weekend. says that, among the most popular travel destinations, there is always London, Paris and Berlin in the top 3. Interestingly, currently, Paris is only eighth, while Berlin is only in the 11th position.
Young Russians and English come measured booking data and published its results yesterday. According to their announcement, between 1 November 2021 and 28 February 2022, Budapest is to be the most popular travel destination. Currently, the top 10 list is the following:
- Budapest
- London
- Vienna
- Milan
- Istambul
- Rome
- Kiev
- Paris
- Lisboa
- Barcelona
And who will we meet while wandering on the streets of Budapest? The leaders will be probably the Russians, the British, Ukrainian and Israeli tourists. Furthermore, mass numbers of visitors are expected to come from Greece, Portugal, and Spain.
Those coming to Budapest will probably spend here a long weekend, and the majority will arrive on Fridays.
Meanwhile, 25 pc are one-week-long accommodations. 2/3rd of the visitors are below 40, while only 4 pc are above 60. 46pc will come alone, 40 pc will visit Budapest with their partners, while 14 pc will come with three or more friends.
I can only speak for London. It has 6 airports, one of which is the busiest in Europe (Heathrow). Budapest has one smallish airport. It has around 30 million tourist visitors a year (pre Covid). This article is nonsense.
Not surprised.
I was a promising athlete when I was about 18 years old. Our coach was many times Hungarian and European champion. He traveled all over the world and liked to talk about his glory days.
One time I asked him; “Béla bácsi” the cities you visited, which city did you think was most beautiful? He said that I wouldn’t believe him but I asked him to tell me anyhow. He said it was Budapest.
In those days, I had no way of knowing if he was telling me the truth because the communist kept us all prisoners in our own country and only people with special privileges could travel anywhere. Many people tried to escape but most were either killed or captured and put in prison for a long time.
It is so wonderful that Hungary is now a free country and nobody has to stay here who doesn’t love Hungary and Hungarians.
I had to escape to the West after the Soviets crushed the Hungarian uprising and have seen many places. I was most impressed with the natural wonders of America and the freedom and opportunities America still represented. I have seen many cities but not one as beautiful as Budapest.
If you don’t like living here, you should leave because nobody is forcing you to stay.
London does have 6 airport but your lucky to find any Brits unless your filthy rich- I know what it was like in the 80s and it was nothing like it is today. Even many outer areas would not be recognized by the people today – it seems like a short time ago to see such drastic change.
Istvan – communicated with Candour – Appreciated.
Interesting we chose Budapest to “re-settle” just over 4 years ago.
We had holidayed in this exciting,wonderful and beautiful City of Budapest, and traveled the “gifts” of the lands of Hungary, the contrasting variations of its scenary and culture – that “seduced” us.
The people – we don’t speak Hungarian just delightful accepting of us which comforts us.
The pace of life – lifestyle – arts and culture just few little of a list I could make – why we Love this Country of Hungary.
We looked at other places countrys in Europe to “live out our days” – but Hungary was our choice and we have not at all regreted our decision.
The “blessed” life to a degree I have lived – studies in the United Kingdom and America – living in the UK for ten years and my profession meeting people from all around the world and travelling the world – been lucky.
The closeness of COMMUNITIES – history tells us – when times have been challenging and tough – the communities that stick to-gether, support, respect, care and love each other – they survive.
Hungarian people – we live District v – there is a sense of community.
It could be stronger – YES – but it exists and this is my wish for Hungary – we stick it out – we stick and stay to-gether – that our Focus is the retainement of Sovereignty – Freedom and Liberty – our FUTURE.
Strong Leadership – which we see from the present Prime Minister and his Government – is a “need” at this time in the history of Hungary.
Democracy – the freedom and choice it gives us.
We must not forget – that Democracy is constantly Reforming itself – which is a direction that underpins the Political Ideas and Philosophies – that the “journey” we are being taken on by the Fidesz Party under Prime Minister – Victor Orban – is Embarking.
Thank you Norbert. Your letter made my day.