Budapest participates in the European Cycling Challenge
In 2017, Budapest also joins the European Cycling Challenge, the biggest urban cycling team competition between European cities. This year, the Hungarian capital will also get the chance to compete in cycling with 50 other European cities in the challenge held from 1 to 31 May.
During the campaign, cyclists in the participating cities track travelled kilometres with the help of a smartphone application developed for this purpose. By doing this, cyclists not only help their home city to achieve the title of “the European city that rides most” but in Budapest they can also win MOL Bubi gift packages or smartphone-holder mounts for their bikes. Last year, 46 thousand participants from 52 cities recorded around 4 million kilometres in the competition’s smartphone application.
The European Cycling Challenge is a European-level competition established under CIVITAS 2020, in which Budapest can compare itself this year among others with Rome, Barcelona or Cracow, to see which city has the longest total cycled distance. In addition to shaping transport behaviours and promoting sustainable, eco-friendly urban transport, the ECC also provides useful information for transport organisers, as well.
In the competition, the kilometres travelled by bicycle can be collected after registration in the Naviki smartphone application freely downloadable by anyone. The winner of the challenge will be the city that records the most kilometres in May. However, this is not the only reason why you should take part in ECC2017: at the end of the competition, the top 100 players collecting the most kilometres in Budapest will receive a bicycle smartphone mount, furthermore during the four-week-long challenge weekly lots will be drawn for 25 MOL Bubi gift packages amongst those who have recorded at least 10 kilometres. In addition, after the closure of the event, a further 150 bicycle smartphone mounts will be drawn amongst those who have cycled and recorded at least 10 kilometres during the whole competition. The online leaderboard on the official website provides real-time information on the state of the competition.
Budapest has joined the cycling challenge in the framework of the FLOW research and innovation project of the European Union.
Source: BKK – press release