Budapest Pride: “Let’s stop Putin’s and Orbán’s love” – PHOTOS

The 27th Budapest Pride March, the closing event of the Budapest Pride month events, was held in the capital on Saturday.

The march organised by the Szivárvány Misszió, an NGO advocating for equality for LGBTQ people, started from Carl Lutz Wharf on the Danube. Marchers walked along the embankment to Liberty Square. The march was accompanied by more than ten floats, including those of the opposition Socialist, Momentum and Two-tailed Dog parties. Marchers waved rainbow and European Union flags while dancing and singing.

The march ended at Liberty Square. Luca Dudits of the Háttér LGBTQ group and Máté Víg of Amnesty International gave speeches protesting the legislation they said harmed the rights of transgender citizens and made adoption by same-sex couples impossible. Amendments to the child protection law last June “conflated paedophilia and homosexuality,” they said.

Kyiv Pride organiser Edward Reese also greeted participants, and called on them to demand the end to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Counter-demonstrators tried to disturb the event from atop Margaret Bridge, which the march passed underneath, with a banner saying “Stop LGBTQ, Paedophilia”. Others shouted abuse from the bridge and Margaret Island.

According to 168 óra, among others, an LGBTQ activis from Kyiv, Edward Reese, addressed the marchers on the Szabadság Square. He said that they should stop the love of Orbán and Putin.

Read alsoKosovo, Montenegro and Romania among the countries supporting Budapest Pride

Source: MTI, 168 óra


  1. There is equality for LGBTQ members so what is the fuss about. The idiots that advocate animosity between President Putin and Prime Minister Orban would complain bitterly if they could not heat their homes or if gas prices were as high as in the rest of the EU. Al those that complain about Hungarian energy policy should listen to the German tourists’ complaints. It is time to use logic.

    The LGBT community should thank the Prime Minister and FIDESZ for keeping gender studies out of schools. The LGBTQ members should be equally anxious to protect Hungarian children from harm. Important and life changing decisions should be made by adults.

  2. Amen to what mariavontheresa is saying. Logic and common sense don’t exist anymore. I take my hat off for Orban!!!!!

  3. Gay Pride is desperately searching for a reason to exist!

    They no longer have any legitamate complaint but they must continue the scam so they invent “causes”, stage fake attacks etc.
    The end result of all this (just like with BLM) is that normal people start to see LGBT people as stupid, foolish and gullible. This of course is exactly the opposite of what they were set up to fight against!

  4. Tolerance is one of the most important Christian values. If I read here, where can I find them?

  5. Bruce – well said. Marriage is Christian followers. The big push now is to destroy Christianity- no much different than Christmas – maybe you should be demanding it be called winter festival,

  6. Madeleine – if you want to find Christian values and the truth about Christian tolerance, read your bible

  7. Anonymous, sorry to disappoint you, I am not a bot. It is important that children are protected by all. I hope, Anonymous and Madeline, you both agree that children should be protected. It is important that adults’ gender choice should also be respected. The two ideas are not in conflict.

    It is time that everyone agrees that a government’s duty is to look after the welfare of its citizens. That includes procuring energy required to allow industry to flourish as well as energy required to heat homes and cook food.

    It is also true that the economy in Germany is slowing down and there is grave concern about energy requirement of the citizens.

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