Budapest sees sharp drop in serious traffic accidents, aims for zero fatalities

“Budapest has not seen such a low number of fatal and serious traffic accidents as last year for a long time,” Mayor Gergely Karácsony said on Facebook on Wednesday.

Referring to police figures, the mayor said the number of such accidents had dropped by over 25 percent in 2024. Karácsony noted, however, that last year 32 accidents claimed lives, and said “32 is exactly 32 more than we should tolerate”. The city, therefore, has decided to “reduce the number of deaths in road accidents in Budapest to nil,” he said.

“Last year’s figures give us reason to hope that cooperation with the police and comprehensive traffic safety measures, with special regard to enforcing speed limits, will ensure a safe return to home for everybody – that will turn Budapest, a city, home,” Karácsony said.

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