Budapest’s downtown traffic to change today fundamentally due to the Pride

Budapest Pride will kick off at 3 PM today. The crowd is to begin their march from the Vajdahunyad Castle in Budapest’s beautiful City Park (Városliget) to get back there a couple of hours later. However, that will result in considerable traffic changes concerning the entire downtown of the Hungarian capital.

According to, the procession will march on the following route: Vajdahunyad Castle-Heroes’ Square–Andrássy Avenue-Oktogon–Teréz promenade–Király Street–Lövölde Square–Felsőerdősor Street–Kodály körönd–Andrássy Avenue–Heroes’ Square. The expected arrival back to Budapest’s central square is at 5 PM.

The route will be cancelled for public traffic, BKK, Budapest’s transport company, said yesterday. Therefore, Budapest’s entire public transport system will change for a couple of hours.

From 3 PM until 5 PM

  • Bus nr 20E will not touch the Heroes’ Square and the Vágány utca / Róbert Károly körút stations. Its journey will be Dvořák sétány–Zichy Mihály út–Erzsébet királyné útja–Hungária körút–Reitter Ferenc utca.
  • Bus nr 30, 30A, 79, and 230 will not touch the Damjanich utca / Dózsa György út, Benczúr utca, and the Heroes’ Square stations. Instead, they will follow this route: Dvořák sétány–Zichy Mihály út–Hermina út–Állatkerti körút–Gundel Károly út–Dózsa György út.
  • Trolley nr 75 will commute on the Hermina út–Állatkerti körút route. It will not touch its stations between the Ötvenhatosok tere and the Heroes’ Square.
  • Meanwhile, trolley nr 72 will stop only at the National Institution for Blind People (Vakok Intézete) and the Gundel Károly körút station.
  • Bus nr 105 and 210B will use the stations of trolley bus nr 72 between the Szent István basilica and Honvédkórház stations. They will commute on Podmaniczky Street.
  • Moreover, trolley bus nr 73 will not operate between 3 PM, and 5 PM.
  • Trolley bus nr 76 will not commute on Andrássy Avenue and Király Street.
  • Trolley bus nr 78 will commute on a shortened journey between the Keleti Railway Station and the Damjanich Utca station.
  • Furthermore, trolley bus nr 70 will carry passengers between the Erzsébet királyné, aluljáró and Károly körút (Astoria M) stations.

Meanwhile, drivers will not be able to use the Kós Károly promenade between 1 PM and 8 PM. Furthermore, no cars will be allowed to enter the Kós Károly Promenade-Heroes’ Square–Andrássy Boulevard–Oktogon–Teréz Promenade–Király Street–Lövölde Square–Felsőerdősor Street-Andrássy Boulevard–Heroes’ Square–Kós Károly Promenade route.

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