Cancer and respiratory diseases still take most lives in Hungary

In most of the EU countries, the main reason for fatal incidents is respiratory problems, except for Denmark, Ireland, France, and the Netherlands where cancer is the number one reason. In Hungary, every second fatal incident at hospitals is connected to respiratory problems while every fourth to cancer.

Read alsoShocking! Number of patients diagnosed with cancer in the EU is the highest in Hungary

Pénzcentrum reported that Hungary is the seventh out of all EU countries where every second patient at hospitals dies of respiratory problems, which is 48.9% of all sick people. Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria are ahead of Hungary with more than 50%. Cancer is the most severe problem in Slovenia, while the country with the fewest diagnosed patients is Bulgaria.

According to data, out of 131,045 Hungarian patients, almost 33,000 died of cancer and 24,000 of respiratory problems.

Between 1995 and 2015, the number of cancer-diagnosed people increased from six to nine million; the most common is lung cancer because of the too many smokers. There are currently 1.3 billion smoking people in the world, and lung cancer appears in every second person’s system, which is 90% of the total number. Approximately five million people die each year because of smoking.

In Hungary, almost 40,000 people die; one person smokes 2,000 cigarettes a year on average.

Almost 4,000 people are registered with respiratory diseases each month in Hungary, and that is why half of the nation suffers from and dies of these diseases. In 2018, almost 26,000 Hungarian people died of heart attacks and other respiratory problems.

Hungarian and worldwide smoking trends are still shocking

Smoking causes severe damage in people’s health, the countries’ economy, and society worldwide. Since 1990, more than one million people had died in the country due to this addictive habit, reported a Hungarian scientist.



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