

Hungarian society is shrinking: birth rate at historic low

A century-long negative record: #birth #fertility #population

Government family-friendly measures fail as Hungary sees declining birth rates – latest figures

Disappointing data on birth rates, deaths and marriage in Hungary...

There are fewer and fewer children being born in Hungary

6,413 children were born in March, while there were 10,524 deaths. #children #family #population

Tragic: Number of Hungarians leaving the country at historic high

Tens of thousands of Hungarian citizens leave the country each year but 2023 brought the most tragic number. #emigration #population #demography #work #Austria #UK #Germany

Hungarian natural demographic decline highest in Europe

The Central Statistical Office publication reveals demographic trends in Hungary: fewer births, an aging population, and more. #population #statistics

Alarming: Thousands of Hungarians missing again

There's no stopping population decline. #population #people #births #deaths

More bad news: there are fewer and fewer Hungarians

The natural population loss was 5,073 people compared with 4,305 in January 2023. #population #Hungarians #statistics

Number of children born in Hungary at historic low in 2023

Hungary's population continues to decline #population #statistics #ksh #Hungary

Orbán’s family support has not been a success, the Hungarian population is falling

Orbán's policies still fail to deliver the good demographic numbers, here are the disappointing figures...

Foreigners are taking over in these two districts in Budapest

In some districts in Budapest, the quarter of the population comes from a foreign country. #Budapest #census #survey #population

The 2022 census results are out: here are the most important details

The Hungarian Central Statistical Office revealed the detailed results of the 2022 census concerning language, ethnicity and religion. #census #2022census #population #Hungarians

Perplexing trends: Fewer Romani but more foreigners in Hungary?

Has the number of Romani residing in Hungary declined since 2011? And if so, what's behind this trend? #romani #populationdecline #populationtrends

Number of Hungarians falling rapidly, marriages also drop

Here are the latest, shockingly sad number #Hungary #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #population #KSH

Gloomy outlook: Hungary’s population could fall to 7 million by 2050?

According to Zsolt Németh, "Hungarians are dwindling" and the country's population could fall below 7 million by 2050 if trends do not change. #hungary #dailynewshungary #population

Brutal population decline: Hungarians are dropping like flies

The natural decrease is still huge in Hungary. The Hungarian population in Serbia also fell by a third. #Hungary #dailynewshungary #Serbia #minority

400,000 Hungarians will disappear in just a few years’ time

Hungary's population will decrease drastically in the next few decades... #Hungary #dailynewshungary #population

The proportion of gypsy society in Hungary is increasing

At the same time, school graduation of gypsy women is expected to increase in the future. #Hungary #Dailynewshungary #gypsypopulation #population

Hungarian population smaller than ever in the Carpathian Basin

Not only did Hungary's population become smaller than ever, but the same can also be said for the entire Carpathian Basin. #Hungary #demographics #population

Hungarians continue to shrink

Between February 2022 and January 2023, 63,104 couples were married, 12 percent fewer than in the previous year.... #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #population

The population in Hungary has fallen by this much

Budapest was found to be the most densely populated area in the country overall.... #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #KSH