

The proportion of gypsy society in Hungary is increasing

At the same time, school graduation of gypsy women is expected to increase in the future. #Hungary #Dailynewshungary #gypsypopulation #population

Hungarian population smaller than ever in the Carpathian Basin

Not only did Hungary's population become smaller than ever, but the same can also be said for the entire Carpathian Basin. #Hungary #demographics #population

Hungarians continue to shrink

Between February 2022 and January 2023, 63,104 couples were married, 12 percent fewer than in the previous year.... #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #population

The population in Hungary has fallen by this much

Budapest was found to be the most densely populated area in the country overall.... #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #KSH

One and a half times as many people died as were born in Hungary in November

Is the decline of the Hungarian population unstoppable?

How many people will live in Hungary in 2050?

The total population decreased by six percent between 1990 and 2019. #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #population

Census in Hungary: where have 400 thousand Hungarians gone?

The latest census in Hungary has been completed by the deadline by 4.6 million households and 9.2 million individuals:

Very bad news for Hungarians: Deaths exceed births in October

Hungarian government's family-friendly measures are not enough, population decline is unstoppable

Hungarian Village Programme helps population growth of small villages

The scheme for developing villages has led to the reversal of population declines in 1,200 localities. #hungary #dailynewshungary #villages #population

No COVID, fewer babies in Hungary

Here are the latest numbers about how many children were born in Hungary released by the Central Statistical Office. #Hungary #Hungarian #population #demography #dailynewshungary #baby #family

Life expectancy has fallen dramatically in Hungary

Hungary is one of the countries in Europe where the average life expectancy of people has fallen the most, details:

Hungary census to start on October 1 – UPDATE

The next census of the Hungarian population will start on October 1

New abortion rule in Hungary: the mother giving up her baby must listen to the baby’s heartbeat

"One in five children conceived in Hungary is aborted"

State Audit Office: too many Hungarian women have a degree

According to an analysis, the significant overrepresentation of women in higher education may cause demographic problems. #hungary #dailynewshungary #women #highereducation #degree

Good news: Hungary’s population loss decreasing

Here are the data regarding the natural population loss in Hungary. Spoiler: they are not entirely bad. #Hungary #Hungarian #population #demography #statistics

The exact dates of census in Hungary revealed

A census will be conducted in Hungary, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) is recruiting 28,000 volunteers as census officers. #Hungary #Hungarian #census #dailynewshungary #statistics #population #KSH

Number of Hungarians still decreasing

Preliminary data show that 6,484 children were born and 10,852 people died in April 2022. More details in the article #Hungary #Hungarian #population #family #statistics #dailynewshungary

CDI assembly adopts Fidesz, Slovenia SDS proposal concerning EU demographic strategy

"Its shrinking and ageing population means that Europe is losing its influence, competitiveness, economic power and room for manoeuvre in a new world order"

Hungarian population in severe decline? – Latest population statistics

While the number of people who died in August, decreased since last year, it is still much higher than birth rate ✝️📉🇭🇺 #statistics #population #data #hungary #dailynewshungary

Budapest amongst the top 20 most ambitious entrepreneurial cities in the world!

Over 24,252 new businesses registered in the city over a year. #Hungary #Hungarian #Budapest #dailynewshungary #population #business #money #investment