Commemoration of “Bloody Thursday” massacre held on Kossuth Square

Budapest, October 25 (MTI) – A commemoration in honour of the victims of the Kossuth Square massacre that took place on October 25, during Hungary’s anti-Soviet revolution of 1956, was held on Sunday. The national flag was lowered to half-mast in honour of the victims on Kossuth Square, in front of parliament.

Addressing the commemoration, Hungary’s former prime minister and a survivor of the 1956 uprising, Peter Boross, said on this day the nation remembers the shooting when the blood of innocents was shed. He said the shooting had “created a whole new situation in the revolution and its historic significance was that it had created a universal effort in the freedom-fight all throughout the country.”

Volleys of shots were fired at the unarmed demonstrators on the square from different locations killing hundreds on the day dubbed “Bloody Thursday” in 1956.

Photo: MTI


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