Cool! these are the best dog-friendly beaches in Hungary

If you have been missing out on all the fun at the lakes this summer because you chose to spend time at home with your pet instead, there is no need to worry about that anymore. This list will help you find places where both you and your dog can have a great time.

According to Femina, it was practically impossible to find animal-friendly places to cool off in the summer just a few years ago. For instance, they used to be completely banned from Hungary’s biggest lakes, Lake Balaton and Lake Velencei. Luckily, times are a-changing, and these days, it is easy to find the place just right for you and your pet. However, be sure to prepare a comfortable dog carrier to take your dog on trips or car rides.

In Baranya County, close to Pécs, a dog beach was opened in July 2017. The lake used to serve the purpose of fishing, but now, it makes dogs in the area very happy. Owners do not need a ticket, while dogs can enter for a fee of HUF 1,000 (EUR 3.08).

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In Bács-Kiskun County, the place that awaits dogs is called Dog Holiday – promising, right? Their motto is that it is the place where dogs go on a holiday. Nevertheless, going to the lake is only available if you pre-arrange it.

In Fejér County, a place called ‘Drótszamár’ (Wire Donkey) offers the perfect place to go camping near Lake Velencei. There are separate beaches especially designed to visit with dogs. Luckily, the campsite accepts visitors all year round.

In Heves County, a dog-friendly beach was opened in 2018, in the town of Hatvan. Apart from a pool specially designed for dogs, there is also a dog park and a training field. So, dogs can have a great time swimming around while also having the chance to socialise.

In Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, the place to go with your pet is Tiszafüred. There is a dog-friendly beach next to the public beach, and the entry is completely free, offering relaxation at half a hectare of an area.

Photo: Wiki Commons by By József Süveg

In Komárom-Esztergom County, the best place to go is the Old Lake, as some parts of it are open for dogs to have a swim. Not to mention how beautiful the area is, so you can have a lovely day going on excursions and making memories.

In Pest County, there is a 1.5-2-kilometre-long area at the Horányi port where dogs can enjoy the water. Another option is going to the Délegyházi lakes, where dogs can enter for HUF 500 (EUR 1.54).

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In Somogy County, there are also places to take your dog at last. Lake Balaton now welcomes pets in two places: in Fonyód and Balatonföldvár. The former has an entry fee of HUF 200 (EUR 0.62), while the latter offers free parking for the first 25 cars.

In Veszprém County, the Belső-tó (Inner Lake) offers dogs relief from the summer heat. In the South-Eastern part of it, dogs are free to swim and roam about.

In Zala County, next to Zalaegerszeg, Lake Gébárti is there for dogs to enjoy. It can be accessed through the spa, so there is something for both you and your pet.

It seems like those working in the hospitality industry in Hungary are finally realising what dog-owners need in the summer. Which option do you like best? 😉

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