American pop icon Joe Jonas on WWI Hungarian soldier photo – how is that possible?

Joe Jonas is known for his famous role in the iconic American pop band, the Jonas Brothers, being at the peak of fame in the late 2000s. But how can he appear in a Transylvanian soldier photo dating back to the darkest days of the world’s history, World War I?

Joe Jonas, a time-traveller?

Is Joe Jonas, the eldest of the Jonas brothers a time-traveller? Not likely. But he showed up in a soldier photo displayed in a Transylvanian museum, which left some visitors baffled. As far as we know, neither of the three siblings has ever been to Hungary or Transylvania, so it cannot happen that such a costume photo was made of him with proper techniques.

The photo in question was discovered in an exhibition at the Maros County Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art. The theme is ‘People from the Maros Riverside in the Trenches of the Great War‘. Since Joe Jonas was born in 1989, he cannot be in any photos. But he is.

Joe Jonas on WWI Hungarian soldier photo in Transylvania (Copy)
Here is the photo. Click HERE for a virtual tour. Photo: PrtScr/Virtual Tour of the exhibition

One of the visitors to the exhibition was able to detect the American pop icon in one of the photos made of k.u.k soldiers, a short form of Imperial and Royal Army. He shared his experience with, and the Hungarian news outlet asked the organisers. asked Tamás Sárándi, the exhibition’s curator. He said the WWI photo is original. However, the original snapshot was small, and some faces were unrecognisable. Since they wanted to serve the public’s expectations concerning huge, spectacular soldier photos, they enlarged the original image. But if they only did so, the quality would have been disappointing.

Software substituted the original Hungarian soldier’s face with the oldest Jonas

Therefore, they allowed a photo editor programme to correct shaded and unrecognisable parts, wrote.

A reader of said such programmes try to find a similar face in their huge databank to correct the original. Some features of the Hungarian soldier were probably resembling Joe Jonas. Therefore, the programme chose the American icon to substitute the shady, blurred or damaged parts of the soldier’s face. And that is how Joe Jonas ‘was reborn’ in the WWI photo. In such processes, it is not rare that the result is another man’s face.

Sárándi said most of their visitors realise that the soldier photos have been “revamped” with modern techniques to make every detail enjoyable. But it happened for the first time that somebody could recognise a living person in the soldier photos.

Check out Joe Jonas’s TikTok channel HERE. Many say it is worth it because of the funny content he regularly uploads.

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